Liverpool 1-3 Sevilla

54 6 36

MotM- Alberto Moreno

(He kindly gave the final to his old/ home team)

I'm not really angry this time, it doesn't feel fair more than anything, this was not fair. I kind of want to cry but I am not a crier so that's not gonna happen - not saying there's anything wrong with crying. Saw Can crying and told him (through the telly) don't cry, go find Moreno and punch him!

I really, really hate to be saying this cos it sounds like a typical bitter looser fan but the ref couldn't have been any more against us without becoming extra card happy.

At least THREE handball clear shouts, nothing. I'm not saying there should have been 3 penalties but 1 should have been but the ref just didn't give a shit.

Fucking how can you flag offside and then change your mind, discuss it a bit then give the goal. He gave Skrtel a yellow on the bench, I did not know that was a thing.

Why didn't the officials just come out with their Sevilla or at least anti-Liverpool shirts and stop pretending otherwise?!

Sevilla players went down and rolled around like the biggest pussies at any touch, one let medical think they needed to stretcher him off and got yellowed for time wasting - swear I saw like flashbacks in Origi's eyes when he saw the stretcher coming, y'know someone who genuinely got injured and had to get stretched off, gave his all to get back to the final and those actors fucked it up for him and for us.

Sturridge's goal was absolutely beautiful, perfect, swung in like there was superpowers guiding it, not one mortal man's foot. Me n Dad jumped and shouted and all that so I'm left with the memory of a great goal celebration but no trophy to show for it for the 2nd time this season. I even joined in with Studge and did a worse version of his dance than that time Moreno did it with him.

Once again that STUPID offside rule as well Sturridge went to kick the ball, didn't, didn't get near, it was Lovren and Lovren alone so give him the damn goal!!! The rest of the game wouldn't have turned out like that if officials had just made the right decisions.

How the fuck do you go from making the opposition run scared, they didn't stand a chance to you being the ones with no hope?! 17 seconds and Alberto fucking Moreno trying to stop someone coming in wide, once again he fucked it up. He should be given one of the Sevilla medals! I'm not even mad at him somehow.

Toure worked so SO hard to defend all the way through as promised, desperate to keep us in it. I feel so sorry for him cos he was working his arse off pretty much alone in defense and at the other end Sturridge was left alone and then was given Origi and Benteke too late. (Woo Origi's back!)

Starting to think Klopp's cursed when it comes to finals 5 in 5 lost :( but he gave us an amazing journey, beat Man United, Dortmond and Viilarreal in style. They all became a new, confident, great Liverpool side to get here and all that went with one mistake.

This one was meant to be, everything seemed right, the right time, bringing home the trophy for the 96, Klopp as the boss, St Jakob Park- Godkid's name is Jacob, the 12th man turned up and made the place Anfield abroad, Sturridge's perfect goal, Mignolet did everything he could right FFS, everything was right for us apart from the second half. 

I wanted the match to finish in normal time, no extra and especially no penalties but not like that, a least we didn't drag out the hope to end in misery this time, doesn't hurt any less though.

I wanted us outta Europe next season, this is not what I wanted.

Season round up coming up tomorrow, hopefully we'll find lots of good points to take from the season in that. We are Liverpool and next season will be our season!

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