Temporary Home

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The very second Jeff and E.J. Left, I rushed to the phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator's soothing voice calmed my rapidly shaking body just a little, but didn't stop my voice from shaking one bit.

I told her everything, through the operator's voice I could hear shock, she sent the police over, and they searched the house.

"Ms Koen, we have decided to remove you from this house and temporarily move you to a home with a small family, until we feel you are safe enough to come back." The police officer led me out of the house, I turned to look at it and it was plastered in "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS"  tape. 

I got into the car, and quickly asked if I could retrieve any of my things, the officer answered that everything in the house, especially my room could not be moved, just in case they could get any evidence and a lead to where the infamous killers, Jeff the Killer and Eyeless Jack were.

I opened my mouth to bargain, but quickly shut it. No need to cause anymore problems than I already have.

The car ride was long, the police officer introduced himself as Joshua Dark. He tried to make small talk with me to ease the awkwardness that was poisoning the air, but all it did was make it all worse.

Finally the car stopped in front of a house, a family exited the large story book house and stood outside, all smiling.

It was like they were all pulled out of a child's book, it made me reluctant to join their family, it made me feel not worthy enough.

Sighing, I pushed open the car door and followed Joshua towards the family, they were all speaking but nothing was registering in my mind. All my mind could focus on was Jeff, and E.J. I feared that they were going to come back for me.

I was snapped out of reality to Joshua patting me on the back, and walking back to the car. A teenage girl grabbed me by the hands and was smiling brightly, she was telling me how great it was going to be.

Oh, how wrong she was.

They had all of my medication, and had already set up a temporary room for me. Their family consisted of a little boy, a teenage girl, and a Mother and Father.

They brought me into the living room, and one by one introduced themselves.

The little boy was Kai, and the girl was Emily. The Mother was Anna and the Father was Jackson.

They were so happy, not a problem in the world.

Yet they didn't know they had just let one enter their story book world.

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