Sell Your Soul

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Sell Your Soul

My body twisted and turned on the gravel beneath me. The burning sensation coursed through my body, feeling as if I was burning alive.

I didn't scream.

I couldn't.

The pain was too much for me, I couldn't even utter a sound. My fingernails dug through the earth's dirt, ripping the grass from its roots. I clutched anything I could, to remind me I was still somehow alive.

Blood began to drip from my lower lip, but I ignored it. My teeth still biting down onto my tongue, eyes squeezed shut. It was like someone stabbing my flesh a billion times over and over and over again.

When will it end?

It won't.

This has been going on for days, and it sure as hell wasn't getting any better. Death seemed like the only way out. So why wasn't I yet? My only sweet escape, wasn't even in my grasp.

My breath heaved as the pain slowly became subtle. The fire inside me, slowly subsiding. My fingers unclenched, my eyes resting. I exhaled once more, until my mind became blank.


My eyes shot open, inhaling sharply I shot up from the ground. Birds flew from treetops behind me. It was dark, and the moon was reflecting beautifully from the lake just a few feet away from me.

Where was I?

Who was I?

The surroundings around me were unfamiliar. I a forest? The questions arose in my mind as I thought of the possibilities of getting here.

Why was I here?

Who brought me here?

Am I lost?

Am I abandoned?

The questions just kept pouring in, and couldn't seem to stop at all. I just knew one thing.

I was dying to get my hands on food.

My throat ached for something.


A scent in the air attracted me. I wanted to know where it was coming from. Lifting myself off the ground I followed the scent, it lead me to a small campsite. A family was there enjoying their dinner. Parents, two teenage twins, and a child, no older than 10.

I wonder if I have any of those.

The craving grew more intense as I neared them as quietly has I could. They hadn't noticed my presence just a couple yards away, behind the trees surrounding the camp.

Which one to start off with first?

Without much more thought, I ran in and grabbed the Dad pulling him into the depths of the forest. I could hear the bewildered gasps of his family. I looked down at my first victim, his eyes held a terrified look. Pure horror as he saw me.

Was I that ugly?

The thought of him thinking I was unattractive got me angry. I lowered my head to his neck, taking a huge whiff. My stomach seemed to jump at the smell of his...blood. Immediately I knew that's what I wanted to have. My sharp teeth sunk into his neck with no regrets as I sucked the life out of him. He screamed, but my hand was placed onto of his mouth, to suppress his cries for help.

As I lifted myself off him, I went after the rest of his family. They were so easy to take, it was if I was born to do this. Though I had finished them off, I was still starving, and craving more blood. My eyes traveled to their corpses littered on the floor. I could care less about them.

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