8. Sell Your Soul

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8. Sell Your Soul

"They're coming!" A small girl with short brunette hair exclaimed in distress. We continued to advance towards them. They all had poker faces on as we walked. I could tell the battle they had recently won was done with help. Seeing that many newborns burning in the fire, and having under ten vampires in one coven, being able to defeat that many on their own? Not likely. Alec, Jane, Demetri, and Felix took off their hoods, when they halted to a stop in a mannerly fashion.

There standing right in front of me were the Cullens. Three blonde, four brunettes. That human girl, and an extra. I knew this because Demetri specifically informed me that there were only seven vampires in their coven. What made them so special? They seemed so ordinary compared to the Volturi.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane spoke to them. The rest of us were quiet, glaring at the coven in front of us.

One blond spoke up to her. I figured he was the leader of the coven. He looked the part also, the man looked quiet older than the others. Demetri also informed me about a man named Carlisle who resided with the Volturi a few centuries back, but then left. I'm starting to think this was the man.

"We were lucky." The man I assumed was Carlisle, said.

"I doubt that." She bluntly replied. They didn't object to that.

So she knew it too. My eyes lingered the coven, observing each and everyone of them. My graze stopped at the one holding the human girl. Edward, I'm positive, was his name. He stared intently back to me. My head started pounding, and I felt like I was being invaded. I blocked out that feeling immediately.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec said.

"Yes, it's not often we're rendered unnecessary." Jane continued.

"If you were to arrive a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose." Edward wouldn't look Jane dead in the eye.

"Pity." Her eyes lingered to the girl standing behind them, as if they were protecting her. "You missed one." Jane's face looked amused. The small girl looked at Jane when she said that. She looked so young, so scared.

A blond boy walked to her, not taking her eyes off of us. The girl looked at him, then back at Carlisle and the woman next to him. They looked like mates. Were Riley and I...mates? The thought overtook my head for a moment.

"It wasn't yours to offer." Jane replied to something Carlisle said. It was most likely something to do with the girl. I could tell she was going to die before we left. The little girl looked to the others for help silently. "Why did you come?" Jane asked more loudly for her to hear.

Next thing you know she drops to the floor screaming and withering in pain. The coven looked upset for her, though not all of them looked at her.

"Who created you?" She continued to ask. A blood curling scream was her reply. I cocked my head slowly to the side, slightly amused with this. Maybe I truly was a morbid, heartless person. Inside, I was getting joy out of the situation.

"You don't need to do that, she'll tell you anything you wanna to know." The woman who looked like Carlisle's mate, reasoned with Jane, slightly shaking her head.

"I know." Jane replied to her, whilst stopping the use of her power. The girl thankfully shut up. Her screaming was very annoying. She gasped in pain, and coughed a bit.

"I-I don't know." She exclaimed. "Riley wouldn't tell us." I faltered, hearing the sound of Riley's name. Demetri noticed, as with the Edward guy. I recollected myself quickly, and acted as if his name meant nothing. Thankfully, no one else saw this. "He said our thoughts weren't safe."

"Her leader was Victoria." Edward spoke up, turning his attention back to Jane, and not myself. "Perhaps you know her." He accused.

"Edward." Carlisle spoke once more, looking at him. "If the Volturi had knowledge of her, they would've stopped it." He turned back to us. "Is that alright Jane?"

The blond near the girl looked up a bit more to Jane. If Riley weren't in the picture, I wouldn't mind being with that guy. He handsome for sure.

"Course." She looked behind her halfway. "Anjalee." I knew that meant she wanted me to take care of that little girl. I was still practically a newborn, so I was somewhat stronger than Felix.

"She didn't know what she was doing." Carlisle's mate interjected, making Jane put her hand in front of me to stop from walking to her. "We'll...take responsibility for her."

"Give her a chance." He said quietly.

"The Volturi don't give second chances." She simply replied. Her attention was to the human. "Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to hear that she's still human."

"The date is set." She assured Jane. I noticed she seemed somewhat disappointed when she said that.

"Take care of that, Anjalee I'd like to go home." She looked at the girl again. I let a small smirk appear on my face as I advanced forward to her, easily passing Carlisle and the woman.

She got up, breaking heavily, looking at me as I made my way closer. She knew that she hadn't had the chance to live out her second life from the beginning. I felt eyes on me as I passed a big burly guy, and a blonde girl. No one stopped me as I went to her. I picked her up to her feet by grabbing her arms, ignoring her cries. She let out one last, loud scream before I ripped her head off with no effort.

As I walked back to my coven, who's hoods were up once more, we turned to leave.

"Who was Riley Biers to you." Edward spoke up. Everyone stopped what they were doing and paid attention to me. Jane gave me a look.

The rotten bastard.

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