10. Sell Your Soul

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10. Sell Your Soul

A few weeks have passed and still no sign of Riley. I was started to give up on him, and I did. I gave up on the fact he wasn't going to show. It highly upset me, but I had to move on.

The wind whistled in the dark sky, as I made my way down the deserted streets. The sound of leaves rustling, and the occasional car passing flooded the emptiness of the quiet town. Earlier today, I had resquested for Aro to give me a few weeks, or more, away from the Volturi. It was without a doubt, one of the hardest things I ever had to ask for. He was skeptical at first, but finally gave him. With quick goodbyes, I sped off to get to the closes flight out of here.

One plane ticket to Steilicoom, Washington.

I had walked, miles and miles in a pair of new black Converse. They were worn out by now, after the first hundred miles of walking. I didn't feel the need to advertise I wasn't human to anybody else by running.

After seeing a familiar sign, I sighed in relief. Finally, I had made it to my destination. Sadly, I had gotten lost at another town, so I had to retrace my steps, and start over. But now that I was in the right town, I think it's going tone okay.

I just hope I don't see an familiar faces.


"Who's a good boy?" I mocked in a baby-ish tons, staring at the werewolf in front me. I must've really pissed off the bastard who changed, because he was snarling more than usual. "That's right!" I clapped my hands energetically. Was it wrong to be having fun with this? Yes. But vampires and werewolves were natural enemies for some odd reason. You couldn't stop it. "You are! Yes you are!"

Gosh, their smell was completely rancid. It made me want to hurl. Wet dog, you've smelled that before right? Gosh, it was just unbearable. To think Riley, and I wanted one when we were...alive!

Two more angry snarls appeared from behind me. Turning to face them, I found a russet wolf, along with a silver one. The black one, in front of me, seemed to be their leader. I gave them a fake frown.

"Do you wanna play too?" I asked at the two. They growled in reply, and even barked at me. Humorously laughing, I beckoned them forward, challenging them.

The crouched down lower, ready to attack, but I was smarter than they probably given me credit for. Dodging the black one that tried to bite me from behind, I grabbed his tail and swung him to the silver one. They whimpered in pain, before regaining posture once more. The russet colored one acted fast and ran towards me, I easily dodged him also.

After a few more minutes of dodging here, and there, giving them an occasional kick or hit, I got bored. So, I ran away. Not because I was losing, I was winning by nine miles, but because it wasn't even entertaining for myself anymore. A few of their friends met up with them as they tried to follow me, but I was too quick.

I realized I hit a borderline for them, when they stopped short in the middle of the road. Amused, I stopped inches away from them, but they just continued to snarl at me. This was my golden opportunity to make more of a mockery out of the entire pack.

"Can't cross over here?" I mocked, titling my head to the side, looking at each and every one of them. "Why don't you just phase back into your human forms and take me on, aye? C'mon we'll have a fair fight!" They barked at me in annoyance. "What? No! Alright then!"

The mockery still went on for a few minutes, as I got re-entertained. But soon after, I was feeling a bit hungry. Then again, being chased by werewolves got you in the mood to eat.

"You know what?" I stopped in place, using my normal voice. "I am hungrrryyy." I made sure to say the last word loud and clear. "Thinkin' bout sucking someone's blood as of now!"

They seemed so shocked at my statement. It'd be on their paws if a person was killed because of me. They probably thought Riley was the last of their worries, that was buried along with several other newborns. But they forgot little ole me! I wasn't stupid, when I knew the Cullens had help, I figure I'd touch one of them to see with whom. Thankfully I touched Edward during our fight, so I saw it was these wolves that helped.

"Maybe I could go for chubby, little white kid a few miles from here? I remember passing his house earlier." I pondered on the victims I could take, just to piss them off more. Continuing my list of who to eat, I noticed that I felt another presence nearby. It was a vampire's. Of course, they would somehow get back up. "Well, buh-bye now." I wickedly smiled at them, turning my heels to go.

"Not so fast." His voice came, walking slowly out of the woods, I saw the blond from a few weeks back. I stopped in place, with a smirk plastered on me. It was a good thing they sent back up, especially him. Something inside me said he wanted to feed on human blood instead of animal blood.

Just one little touch...

"Well look who we have here."

"It's a pleasure see you again ma'am." He bowed slightly, and that's when I noticed an accent. Just couldn't place exactly where it was from. As I gingerly made my way towards him, I could tell he wanted something.

"As with you soldier." I smirked when the last word I used seemed to affect him. "But I wish it could've been on different circumstances." I frowned a bit, turning my head to see the wolves were still there. By now I was standing next to him. Lifting my hand, and resting it on his arm, I saw everything.

After I took my hand off, I was content with what I saw. I didn't know why, I just wanted to screw his life back to normal. And by normal, I meant having him feed on human blood once more.

"You know," I started to circle around his figure. "I like you." I stopped behind his back. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I pulled him closer to me. Tilting my head up, I whispered in his ear. "I like you a lot."

My hands started roaming his body, and I could feel him shudder. His mate obviously hasn't been giving him much action lately. Clearly, he wanted it. But not just sex, he wanted human blood also. He needed it. (Or so he's always thinking.)

"As I with you." He agreed with me. His eyes, though, were focused on the wolves.

"Forget them." I said to him. With one last glance at the dogs, we ran off to find the first family we could.

Maybe I could start a coven.

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