12. Sell Your Soul {END}

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12. Sell Your Soul {END}

"What are you thinking?" He asked as his lips pressed against the skin on my bare shoulder. The horizon peaked over the sea as I blandly stared at it. It was so beautiful.

"I'm thinking..." I began as I propped my elbows up against the rails, and leaned over, him following my movements. "About Charles." I concluded, thinking about my creator.

What the hell has he been up to?

"Is that all?" He continued to ask, as his arms encircled my waist, pressing himself up against me. Trapped between him and the rails, I sighed. There was no way avoiding this question. He knew. He always knew when my mind was on Demetri and Riley. I still hadn't let them go, even though I left them.

It has been half a decade since the last time I had seen Demetri and Riley. Why I had left longer than I said I would was a mystery to me. I figured I would be back the next month, the first year, but that never happened. Every year u had promised to go back to the Volturi, but alas I never pulled through.

Instead, I stayed with Jasper. Fleeing from one city to the other, getting our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don't get me wrong, I loved this man, but part of me was back with the other two. Staying with Jasper, made me love him, and he loved me back. He forgot about his mate, and left his family just for me.

I hadn't regretted the day I turned him back into his old self.

"No." I finally replied after awhile, turning around. "But I love you."

"As I love you." He replied with a grin. Staring into those red eyes, Riley flashed back into my mind. The day I saw him in the forest, many years ago. Shaking him out of my head, I caressed his stone hard cheek with my hand, before leaning in.

Our lips moved together in perfect rhythm. My hands crept their way to his neck, as his rubbed my hips. Without breaking apart, we moved back into the apartment from the balcony, and stumbled onto the bed. We pulled apart for a brief moment, to take off our shirts, and I smiled up at him, which he gladly returned. Pressing our lips together once again, their was more heat into this kiss.

A loud knocking forced us to tear apart. We stared at the door, as the person kept knocking obnoxiously. Sighing, I got up to answer the door. I didn't even bother throwing something on. Shock overtook me as I stared at the two mean in front of me.

"Aro? Felix?" I looked at them shocked, suddenly I was aware that I was half naked in front of the two. Now if it just had been a human like I expected it to be, than my appearance wouldn't be so embarrassing as of now. Jasper must've felt the surprise in my voice, as he threw me his white undershirt. I gave him a smile as a thanks, slipping it on. My attention wa back to them. "What can I do you for?"

"Anjalee. Oh Anjalee." Aro tsked at me as he entered the room. He looked around the diminutive room, embellished in nothing but vintage wallpaper, a bed, and a dresser.

"I fairly don't like the way you're saying my fiancée's name sir." Jasper said to Aro, still half naked, as he stood by my side.

It was true, after the fourth year of our dating, he had proposed to me. We were set to get married this year.

"Jasper Hale Whitlock is it?" Aro adjusted the somewhat title picture frame.

"Yes sir." He nodded.

"Fiancé to my Anjalee?"

"Where are you-"

"Let's continue you this in the Volturi castle shall we?" Aro interrupted him. Without much choice, we followed him out of the building.

Sell Your SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora