6. Sell Your Soul

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6. Sell Your Soul

"What's on your mind?" Demetri asked me as he sat on the foot of the bed.

The lot of us rented out two hotel rooms. Since Jane called the shots, she and Alec would share their own room. Whilst Felix, Demetri, and I were stuck in the other room. It was fine for us though.

I stated into Demetri's red eyes. My were equally red, seeing as to how we just got back from feeding. It was Felix, Jane, and Alec's turn so it was just the two of us. It was a nice two bedroom, one bathroom suite. There was a dining table close to the kitchen, where there was your refrigerator, a sink, dishwasher and cupboards. There also was a couch, that reminded me of the one in my old house, and it was seated in front of the tv.

"The Cullens." I partially lied. My mind was half on Riley, and the Cullens. I was curious to find out more about them. All they've informed me about was that they didn't feed on human blood, and a certain amount of them had special powers. Living off animal blood sounded like a bore. Was it my now sick, twisted mind that thought feeding off of humans was a more fun, exciting? Probably.

"Ah. You curious to know more about them?" He nodded, moving closer to me. Ever since the kiss on the plane, he'd been more open to myself. It wasn't like he was suddenly holding my hands, or kissing my cheek, but more friendlier than usual.

"Why of course."

"Would you like me to tell you about them?"

"Pray tell."

Demetri then proceeded to explain the Cullens to me. A girl named Alice had the power to see the future, (that's how she's able to watch Aro's decisions), her mate Jasper had the ability to feel/manipulate someone's emotions, and Edward could read minds. And if I had my information all in place, I'm positive that Edward was the one with the human girlfriend. How he was able to be so close to her all the time made me wonder where he got the will. I couldn't even contain myself from sucking the people dry on the plane trip.

Maybe I could become a Cullen?


"Josephine." I scolded at my friend as she took the phone away from me. It was a long day of touring in the great Volterra, and I just wanted to rest.

We retreated back to the hotel around five. Carol was off with her boyfriend, who also happened to be in our class, so she wasn't present at the moment. Josephine was supposed to be gone with hers. Then with me? I'd be staying here, resting, and missing Riley.

I was happily resting on the Victorian styled chair, which was propped next to a small table. There were huge French doors to the left, and the beds were to my right. The dresser wasn't too far from there, then the bathroom door was across from the entrance of the room. It was fairly large, but sadly no tv. I was fine with that. Everything was in Italian, a language I still needed to brush up on.

"No texting the boyfriend." Jose clicked her tongue in her mouth. I scowled at her, trying to grab it back. She outstretched her arm behind her to keep me from getting it. She was lucky she had long arms.

"I wasn't!" I whined. Even though I terribly missed him, I couldn't text him. He was probably asleep by now. I was only looking at pictures, though that didn't really help either.

"You're lying!" She protested. Then threw my phone behind me, and it landed on a bed. At least she didn't break it.

I should kill her.


I wonder if anyone had noticed my absence in the class. The teacher would've, she would get fired. Josephine, and Carol would've. But would they care is the bigger question in place.

Would they have sent a search party? Or put up more missing signs then there already was?

You see, Riley and I ran away from our homes. We were young, reckless, and no care was put into mind when we did. Our parents were the strict, 'don't do this,' and 'don't wear that's type of people. Though we loved them very much, and we knew they loved us, we just couldn't take it. So we made a run for it. Bought our own house, and ever since then we fended for ourselves.

Surprisingly, no one turned us in to them when they put up missing signs. Even when we saw our neighbors they still hadn't told us where we were.

I wonder how my parents were doing.

Why are all these regrets suddenly coming up in mind? I haven't thought of them before... So why start now? It was probably because I saw a familiar face from my past life. That's why.

Should I get him back?

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