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(A/N: For this story, Tear in My Heart by twenty one pilots is 22 Planes' song, but in reality, all rights go to twenty one pilots and their crew and producers)

"Are you sure we're ready for this?" I asked Aria, the lead guitarist.

"Hell yeah we are. Pilot and Chels can do it, and so can we," she answered, her red and blue hair bobbing as she nodded.

"Alright, let's go," I sighed, grabbing the microphone and breathing deeply as the curtains opened.

Our band, 22 Planes, was booked to play at a small karaoke bar in Ohio. We were all from Michigan, but we had a hotel in Ohio that we planned to stay at while we played here. Our manager, Lauren, had obviously accompanied us on the small trip, along with one of our best friends, Stormi.

We weren't widely known or popular, but we posted videos of covers and original songs on YouTube, and we had about 2,100 subscribers, so we had some fans. I hoped some of them were here tonight, but I knew that a lot of them didn't live close to here.

As the concert began, I loosened up a bit, dancing along with the crowd.

"Okay, this next one is called Tear In My Heart. Actually, Pilot and I wrote this one after we both found out that we were in love. Turns out it was with the same guy," I began,"he went to our high school and we saw him for the first time in awhile. When we wrote the song, that is."

"What happened?" Someone yelled from the back, everyone's attention fully captured by us.

The person who yelled out sounded oddly familiar, honestly too familiar.

"Thank you for the question, Mr. Familiar," I laughed, thinking about where I've could've met him before.

I couldn't see him that well, the only thing I saw of him was a red beanie.

"Well, we ended up finding out that he was a cheater, obviously. He was texting Pilot when we were on a date, and made the mistake of telling me to check his phone, and then I knew. We had chosen to keep our relationship under wraps and all Pilot and I knew about each other's relationships was that we were both in one. After we found out, we we're still best friends, and it's my favorite original song of ours."

My explanation brought a small pang in my heart, but it didn't matter. That was at least 9 months ago, and we were both over it by now.

I smiled brightly, looking at the crowd of about 200 people in front of me cheering.

I started the song, taking the mic and leaning on Chelsea's back, pretending to play guitar as she shredded on the bass.

I looked around, following the red beanie with my eyes as I started the second verse.

There was something about him that was familiar and it intrigued me.

"The songs on the radio are okay,
But my taste in music is your face!
It takes a song to come around, to show you how," I sang, grinning as people clapped along.

"He's a tear in my heart, I'm alive
He's a tear in my heart, I'm on fire."

The red beanie moved to the beat of my song, and I caught a glimpse of red hair and a SnapBack next to him.

I finished the song, my adrenaline high. These two guys were interesting for some reason, and I wanted to know them, at least the one with the red beanie.

We performed a cover of Misery Business by Paramore, American Idiot by Green Day, and I Miss You by Blink 182. The concert went by pretty fast, and I was surprised at the amount of applause and outstanding ovations we received.

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