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From: TyJo
I miss you :(

I rolled my eyes, grinning at the message.

"Did he already text you?" Stormi laughed, looking away from her phone to give me a knowing grin.

"He's a loser," I joked, cracking my fingers and replying.

To: TyJo
Ty you just left XD

"So, you really like him, huh?" Chelsea said, giving me a cold look.

Aria, Stormi, Chelsea, Lauren, Pilot and I had just left the hotel that Tyler and Josh were staying at about a half hour ago. For some reason, Chels was still being hostile toward me.

After I had told Tyler about my night terrors, he lulled me to sleep, saying that we both needed it. It was the middle of the night when he'd been woken up, after all. For some weird reason, I hadn't had another night terror since then. It'd been 2 days since, and they finally had to leave and go back to Ohio for their meeting. I wasn't exactly happy about it, but none of us were.


"Well, our adventure is coming to an end," Josh fake sobbed, burying his head in Tyler's shoulder.

"Hey, it's not like we're never gonna see you guys again. You're coming back, right?" Stormi asked, a hopeful look etched into her expression.

"Oh yeah, definitely. This one is always getting into trouble," Tyler joked, pointing to Pilot.

I laughed lightly, remembering yesterday when we had visited their hotel for the first time. Pilot had managed to get yelled at within the first 20 minutes of being there.

Pilot isn't the smartest, and climbed onto a bell cart. A hotel employee yelled at her twice, one for climbing on the cart and the second for running in the halls and disturbing the guests.

"Good times," Pilot sighed, grinning at the memory.

"Yeah, I'm not bailing you out of jail," Stormi stated, earning a shove from the small blonde girl.

"I bet Serbear would," Lauren pointed to me, smirking.

I shook my head, giggling.

"She'd be in there with you," Josh teased, granting him a playful glare.

"I'm gonna miss ya, Serbear," Josh sighed, squeezing me extremely tightly into a hug.

"You're gonna, like, kill me," I wheezed, patting his back.

"I am your older brother, I can do what I want."

Josh and I had mutually decided I was to take on the name Serbear (gag) Dun, because Jishwa acted like my older brother. I actually liked having a sibling so far.

"Now go say goodbye to your boyfriend." He shoved me towards Tyler, grinning as I flipped him off.

He ran over to Aria, speaking to her with a special glint in his eyes. I sure hoped they got together soon.

"So, it's gonna be a while, isn't it?"

Tyler stood there, awkwardly, hands in his pockets. He didn't look as confident as he had previously, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

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