T H R E E |-/

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"Ser?! Are you ready?!" Aria yelled from upstairs, her voice echoing.

I wasn't exactly sure where the girls were, probably in their rooms. It was kind of early for us to be out and about, but Aria and I had plans.

"Yeah, come on!" I yelled back, pulling my gray beanie onto my head.

After we had gotten home yesterday and unpacked, we all just pretty much sat around the whole night.

It's not like we had anything better to do with our time.

Josh had added Aria to the group chat too, so we all talked until about 2 in the morning.

I was used to staying up late or waking up late. I hadn't slept through the night since I was 17.

Since Tyler and Josh had an interview at 12, and they wanted to hang out, we decided on meeting at Taco Bell when it was over. Tyler told me that he would text me when they were done with the interview, however long that would take.

"Has he said anything yet?" Aria asked, hobbling down the stairs on one foot as she attempted to put on her shoe.

"Nope, has Josh?" I returned, standing up from the couch and brushing off my black skinny jeans.

"Not yet. Do you think we should just go now? It's almost one," she asked, flicking a red hair away from her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. You can drive."

I threw my keys at her, making sure she caught them before opening the door.

"Bye guys!" I yelled throughout the house, allowing Aria to slam the door shut before they could reply.

I threw open the passenger's side door to my old, rusted blue Jeep, hopping in quickly to avoid the freezing air.

"Hurry up," I whined, rubbing my hands together to gain some warmth.

I was wearing a 5 Seconds of Summer sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and even a black leather jacket and I was still extremely cold. Luckily my straight, blonde hair and gray beanie covered my ears, because I was not good at handling cold temperatures.

"I'm trying," Aria deadpanned, throwing me a glare as she reached over to turn the heat on full blast.

I shivered, placing my hands up to the vent and sticking my tongue out at her. My phone buzzed suddenly, causing me to jump. I fished it out of my leather jacket pocket, smiling slightly at the message it displayed.

From: TyJo

sorry we took so long some fans showed up and wanted pic with us :) we just got to taco bell so text me when you get here

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, looking at Aria.

"They're at Taco Bell now," I reported.

She nodded, her eyes still fully focused on the road.

Everything was silent for a matter of minutes, until Aria decided to break it.

"You look tired."

She took her eyes away from the road to glance at me, quickly looking back. I knew that she would say something, but I didn't think she'd want to do it right now.

The three words had so much more meaning than other people would've assumed, and I didn't enjoy how tense the air was made when she said them.

I clenched my jaw, my knuckles white from holding such a tight fist. And to think, I was in such a good mood.

"You just couldn't resist, could you?" I growled, my head down.

I looked at my hands, picking at my blue nail polish. It was almost completely chipped off already, because that's all I did when I was stressed.

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