F O U R |-/

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"So, I'll text you tonight?" Tyler phrased the sentence as a question, shoving his hands into his pockets.

The shadows of his face were perfectly contoured under the streetlight, highlighting his awkward smile. He always looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I'll text you back," I laughed, my lips turning up slightly at my own awkward tendencies.

I was never good with guys.

"Well, I hope so. We're going back to Columbus on Wednesday, so we have 2 days to hang out before we leave."

Tyler's words brought on a wave of butterflies and a small pang of sadness, but I smiled at him anyway.

"So, you mean we're going to hang out again?" I smirked slyly, watching as he sputtered, searching for an appropriate answer.

"Well, y-yeah. If you want to, but if you don't then we don't have to," he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

His voice was always slightly higher when he was nervous.

"I'm just kidding, Ty. Of course we will," I giggled, feeling the tension decrease immediately.

His uncomfortable expression broke into a relieved grin as he took his hand away from his neck.

I inhaled the frosted air, shivering slightly at the temperature outside. It was still snowy, and still freezing.

"You scared me," he joked, his shoulders no longer rigid.

"Sorry. But yeah, just text me if you want to hang out. I don't think I'm doing anything. Why are you guys leaving on Wednesday?" I asked, curious to know why they wouldn't have left earlier.

It wasn't as if I had a problem with it, I just wondered why they wouldn't want to go home right after their interview.

I looked behind me, smiling at Josh and Aria. They had decided to say their goodbyes next to Tyler's car, probably for privacy.

I didn't even want to know.

"Well, we have a meeting with our management about the music in our upcoming album, so Mark suggested we get home tomorrow. We made him let us stay for another day though; we wanted to hang out with you guys more."

He flashed me a sly smile, seemingly more confident. He always flashed between uncomfortable and awkward to confident and funny, but honestly, I liked both sides of him.

He walked closer to me, pulling me into a tight hug and resting his head in top of mine.

"What the heck?!"

I jumped away from Tyler, holding my chest. I turned around, wide-eyed, and glared at Josh.

"JISHWA! Never do that to me again!" I yelled, putting my hands on my knees as I attempted to regain my breath.

"Y-your f-face," he sputtered, laughter bubbling out of his mouth.

I stood up straight, slapping his arm.

"You're an awful person," I scowled at him, crossing my arms angrily.

I looked over to Tyler and Aria, taking in their reactions. Aria was laughing silently, clapping her hands like a seal, and Tyler was covering his mouth to hide his smile, letting a few chuckles slip out.

"It wasn't even that funny," I whined, pouting.

"Y-yes, it was," Aria managed, sighing and wiping a stray tear.

"You got something to say, Tyler?" I asked, pretending to be angry with him.

His head snapped to me, his eyes wide before he coughed, shaking his head and straightening out his shirt.

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