Chapter 1

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It was night as you made your way down the dimly lit streets of Seoul; you always ended up staying in college until it got dark outside, even in the summer. Your teacher was amazed how you'd go home so late and yet come back the following morning so full of energy, you both knew it was because of your passion and love of dance.

Getting to study dance at college was the highlight of your education so far, no maths, no science, nothing but dance. You started dance when you were 5, so that you could be like your older sister, Minju. She also danced but she didn't take it as seriously, for her, it was a hobby, for you, it was your life.

You and your sister are still very different; you're still dancing at college while she's now the leader of one of the most feared gangs in Seoul. You were still close, like best friends, but she kept you away from her line of work in order to protect you and weren't going to complain about that any time soon. You wanted nothing to do with her work although you spent most of your time worrying about her, but, as she was the leader of The Ark, one of the most feared gangs in Seoul you knew she could handle herself.

As you rounded the corner of the street on the way home you noticed that the one streetlight that would normally light your way wasn't working, you looked up at it to see that the bulb had been smashed. Rolling your eyes at whomever the immature, probably drunk people were who did it, you continued walking, the moon providing enough light for you to see.

Adjusting your dance bag on your shoulder, you kept walking admiring the stars, until you heard movement behind you. You quickly turned around to see three guys, slowly making their way towards you, evil smirks plastered on their faces. You turned back around to run away but instead you were met with four other guys also walking towards you. You were trapped.

"You know, I never thought that Minju, leader of The Ark, would have a younger sister who she cared so much about." A tall guy with pink hair snarled as he spoke; by now all seven guys were stood in a circle around you. Your eyes widened as you realised who they must be. They were feared just as much your sister's gang and as it happened they were The Ark's greatest enemy and rival gang: Bangtan.

"What are you doing out so late baby it's not safe." A guy with bright orange hair said with a soft voice as you constantly turned in each direction looking at each of the gang members. Most stood in positions that showed they were ready for a fight; one guy who had bright mint green hair stood holding a lighter, turning it on and off non stop while looking at it with a bored expression. All of them appeared to be unarmed, except for two of them.

The two guys both had brown hair while one of them had green highlights in his fringe that covered his eyes; the one with highlights held a baseball bat while the other wore brass knuckles on each hand. They both started making their way towards you readying their weapons and you began to panic.


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