Chapter 5

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It was midnight but The Ark were only just finishing their latest meeting. Minju hadn't been home for over a day as she had been busy looking into a new gang who had recently showed up. Although they were new, they were a large gang who called themselves 'EXO', at least, they used to be a large gang; Minju had made sure they knew who the top gang in the city were.

'That was very successful well done girls!' Minju held up a glass as the other gang members cheered and they all downed their drinks.

'They still have nine members but they looked so helpless when we attacked, I don't think we'll have to worry about them for a while.' Laughs echoed throughout the warehouse that was of The Ark's bases, but they were soon cut off.

'A nine member gang you say? Maybe we'll have to ally with them, but we're already winning against you so...' The girls froze as they recognised the voice of Bangtan member Jin and realised he was walking towards them, closely followed by Taehyung.

'Get back! How did you find our base?' Minju asked sternly as she held her gun, targeting the intruders. The other members followed, each getting out their weapons. Jane held her bat ready to swing and Halla equipped her brass knuckles while the others took out guns like their leader.

'Whoa now ladies, lets not get violent. We're here simply to chat.' Jin raised his arms in surrender.

'You didn't answer the question. How did you find our base?' Minju took a step forward threateningly but Jin just smirked.

'Like we're just going to tell you.' Taehyung stepped out from behind Jin so that he could now be seen.

'Whoa what happened to your face it looks horrible?' Jane, the youngest member, called out.

'What? This?' Taehyung gestured to his face that still hadn't recovered from trying to capture you.

'No, I was talking about Jin.' Taehyung held back Jin who had tried to go after the now smug Jane who hid behind Yuna as she laughed.

'Excuse the young one, but seriously, what happened?' Minju looked at Taehyung who let go of Jin and stepped forward.

'Let's just say, your sister is a lot tougher than she looks.' Taehyung smirked as Minju's face fell into complete shock and worry. There was a second of silence until Minju was inches from Taehyung, her gun against his forehead.

'What have you done to my sister?' Taehyung kept the smirk on his face as Jin came over and pulled Minju away from him.

'I guess you now know who told us the location of your base. I have to say though, Y/N is one tough girl, it took Hoseok several rounds to get it out of her.' At this, Minju ditched the gun and instead lunged at Jin, getting in a single punch before she was being dragged back by Taehyung.

'Now now, I said there's no need to get violent.' Jin stepped back rubbing his cheek as Taehyung struggled to keep Minju back. Jin looked around at the other members of The Ark, all of whom appeared shocked and confused.

'Don't tell me you didn't tell your fellow gang members that you had a sister. Let me guess, you did it to protect her? Yah, what good is a gang leader who keeps secrets from their gang? I bet they don't even know that you use to be one of Bangtan's strongest members.' Jin paused to see the reaction and judging from the dropped jaws and frowns it was clear he was right. Minju had stopped fighting against Taehyung and was instead, stood awkwardly looking down. The sight made Jin laugh.

'You haven't have you? Well, I'll leave you to try and explain that one. Come on Tae, we'll miss Y/N's first encounter with Namjoon.' Jin emphasised Namjoon's name as he walked towards the exit, Taehyung trailed on behind making sure they weren't being followed. Minju was rooted to the spot still looking down in an attempt to hide her tears.

'Don't listen to him you're a great leader. We get that you kept your sister a secret to protect her but you were a part of Bangtan? I think we deserve an explanation for that.' Yuna slowly approached her leader, resting her hand on her shoulder and bending down so she could see Minju's face as she had still refused to look up.

'We're not mad or upset Minju, I'm sure you have a good reason, just talk to us. We've been a gang too long to fall apart now, we're here for you, forever loyal.' Halla joined Yuna and smiled at Minju who finally looked up to look at her gang. She smiled as she wiped away tear.

'Thank you girls, I owe you so much, including an explanation. Lets all sit down.' The girls all walked over the table and took their seats, Minju preparing herself to tell them the truth.

'Right, basically, just over a year ago I was part of Bangtan. It was the first gang I was in and I learnt everything I know from them. I was in Bangtan because, well, I was Namjoon's girlfriend. I met him and he seemed so nice and caring, which he was, for the first month at least. Because, after that, well, I don't know if he was planning on it all along, or if something happened that made him change but after that he became abusive. I didn't do anything to start with but then my sister found out and she was always worrying over me and patching me up every time I came home and I had just had enough. So, I left Namjoon, I left Bangtan and formed my own gang. You guys know the rest.' Minju rubbed the back of her neck as she looked down waiting for the response. There was an awkward silence until someone spoke.

'Did the rest of Bangtan know?' Yujin spoke in a soft voice.

'They watched him do it sometimes.' Minju looked Yujin in the eye as she spoke, although remembering what had happened was painful, finally telling her gang; her best friends the truth made her feel so much better.

'We're not mad Minju, we can help you, we're here for you and we'll get your sister back we promise!' The girls all stood and went over to comfort their leader.

'Thank you girls, you are all amazing. I couldn't ask for a better gang.' Minju stood up and hugged everyone.

'Right then leader Minju, what's the plan?' Jane asked.

'We go and get my sister back.' 

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