Chapter 12

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'Morning Y/N, did you sleep well?' you woke to Jungkook's voice; you slowly opened your eyes to see him lying next to you, your arm still placed over his chest. When you had gone to bed that night, you had started crying again and so Jungkook had slept next to you to help keep you calm.

You took your hand off of Jungkook as a blush made its way onto your cheeks- yesterday had been.... eventful. Jungkook gave a slight smirk at your behavior, knowing exactly what you were thinking about.

'I think I slept as well as someone in my situation could,' you turned to lie on your back, 'I've been held captive for four days and for all I know my sister could be dead soooo.'

'I told you, Minju's going to be fine.' You heard Jungkook roll onto his side to face you, but you continued staring up at the ceiling.

'And how exactly do you know that?' Jungkook's silence said it all; you shivered at the thought. After a few minutes, it sunk in that you were in a bed with Jungkook and you quickly made the excuse of wanting a shower before leaping out of the bed and going into the bathroom to hide your second blush of the morning.

When you returned after your shower, Jungkook was sat on the bed having changed out of his sleepwear and into jeans and a plain white t-shirt. You subtlety avoided his gaze as you entered the room.

'Are you gonna avoid looking at me for the rest of the day?' Maybe you weren't as subtle as you thought.

' I'm not.... uh.... maybe?' You kept your back to Jungkook as you spoke, or tried to anyway.

'Well, it's either because you absolutely hated what we did, or you didn't hate it but don't want to admit it...' Jungkook sounded smug as he spoke; he already knew the answer. You turned to see him smirking at you.

'Wipe that smirk off your face Kookie or I'll get rid of it myself.' You stumbled over your words enough for the threat to become completely unthreatening; Jungkook chuckled before standing and walking over to you. He was no longer smirking, instead, he had his brow furrowed and was nervously biting his lip.

'You didn't hate it, did you?' He looked at you intently; he was starting to doubt himself and was generally worried.

To answer Jungkook's question, you took a step forwards, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. You don't know where the sudden wave of confidence came from but you weren't going to complain. After a few seconds you broke apart and it was Jungkook's turn to stare wide-eyed; you giggled at his reaction.

'Well I guess that answers my question.' Jungkook smiled at you.

'That was the idea,' you laughed and returned his smile, 'I'm guessing we're not telling the rest of Bangtan about this?'

'Oh god no, they'd probably kill both of us.'

'That sounds about right.' Your tone was dry; you'd forgotten about the rest of Bangtan. You'd be quite happy if you never saw them again, but you were still their prisoner so that wasn't exactly an option. The idea of having to face Namjoon again after what happened at the warehouse made you tense; Jungkook must have sensed your nervousness as he placed a hand on your shoulder.

'It's going to be okay, I won't let them hurt you anymore.' Jungkook smiled at you as he spoke and you gave a small smile back. He was about to say something else but there was a knock on the door.

'Kookie, Y/N, we're all eating breakfast together in the kitchen.' You recognised Jin's voice as he spoke from behind the door.

'We'll be right there.' Jungkook replied and then turned to you.

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