Chapter 11

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'Don't touch me!' You pushed Jimin away as he tried to put a hand on your shoulder.

You were back in Jungkook's room at Bangtan's house; it'd been an hour since you had got back from the warehouse, but you still hadn't stopped crying. As far as you knew Minju could be dead; Namjoon had dragged you out just as you saw her get shot. He had dragged you over to Bangtan's car and locked you in it before returning to the fight himself. About five minutes later the whole of Bangtan returned to the car looking triumphant. They probably would've let you get away with just the blindfold as they drove back to their house, but the second they had gotten into the car you had lashed out at Tae. He was taken by surprise at your sudden outburst and so you were able to get in a couple punches, before you were dragged away and knocked unconscious. Next thing you knew, you woke up back in Jungkook's room.

It was an hour before anyone came into the room, but now you were faced with Jimin, who was hopelessly trying to calm you down.

'Hey Y/N, baby, it's okay, it's gonna be okay, you can stop crying.' He attempted to place a reassuring hand on your shoulder again, but you shrugged away from him. He took a step towards you and tried to take hold of your hands; you flinched as you unleashed all your anger.

'Get away!' You screamed and clawed Jimin's face; a small cut formed on his cheek where your nail had caught him.

'Hey! Calm down dammit, you're safe here, I'm not going to hurt you.' He staggered back and cupped his cheek, examining the blood that was on his hand when he took it away.

'I'm locked in a house full of killers, how is that safe?' You yelled as more tears made their way down your face. Jimin stared at you with a blank expression before shrugging and leaving the room; locking the door once he was out. You collapsed onto the bed and cried into the pillow; you don't know how long you were there but after some time there was a knock on the door and Jungkook spoke from behind it.

'Y/N can I come in?'

'No!' Your voice was slightly muffled as you had your face buried in a pillow.


'Go away!'

'This is my bedroom you know.' Jungkook spoke calmly; you didn't reply but instead went back to sobbing quietly into the pillow.

'Y/N?' Jungkook had come into the room; he shut the door behind him and cautiously turned to face you.

'What?' You said harshly, keeping your face buried in the pillow. Jungkook sighed.

'I know you're upset and scared and you have every reason to hate me,' Jungkook walked over and stood next to the bed.

'You got that right.' A sob escaped as you spoke.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're being kept here, I'm sorry about what they did to you, I'm sorry I kept a hold of you when Minju was there.... had you tried running to her, Namjoon probably would've shot you, I didn't want to risk that.... and... I'm sure Minju's okay, she's tough,' Jungkook paused and sat down on the bed next to you, when you didn't say anything, he continued, 'I'm just sorry for all of this, you don't deserve it. If Bangtan didn't mean so much to me I would unlock that door and run away with you, but they're my brothers, and I'm sure you understand sibling love, even if they aren't my biological brothers.... I hate seeing you like this and I promise I'll make it up to you... somehow...'

Whilst Jungkook was talking you had managed to stop crying. Without saying anything, you slowly pushed yourself up until you were sat cross-legged, facing Jungkook. 

'But what if-' you cut yourself off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

'She'll be fine.' Jungkook reassured you, although, you knew he wasn't convinced himself.

'I trust you. I don't know why, but I do.' You shocked yourself with what you said, but it was true; you trusted him.

Jungkook gave a small smile and lifted his hand to your face as he wiped away a tear that had come to a rest on your cheek. Everything after that happened so fast. Jungkook turned his hand so that he was cupping your cheek, and he slowly moved towards you until your lips met. You didn't flinch or move away, you kissed him back. Your hands made their way into Jungkook's hair as he deepened the kiss, his other hand moving to hold onto your waist.

After what felt like forever, you broke apart, both of you gasping for breath. You stared at Jungkook wide-eyed, but a small smile crept onto your face. Jungkook was looking down in an attempt to hide his blush, but you noticed it. Eventually Jungkook slowly looked up at you, he looked quite sheepish until he saw you smiling, and then he gave a small smile back and chuckled lightly under his breath.

'It's...uh... it's quite late, we should probably get to sleep.' He sounded flustered as he stood up from the bed. He turned to look at you and you nodded; today had been exhausting and you suddenly realised how tired you were- sleep sounded like a good idea.


'I can't believe they set us up like that!' Jane was pacing as she spoke.

'Is it really a surprise that Bangtan tricked us? I can't believe we fell for it!' Yuna was sat on the table in The Arks bass, watching Jane walk back and forth.

'How I didn't think about it being a trap when I saw Jungkook going to Bangtan's base, I don't know... I'm so stupid!' Halla said from her seat at the table.

'Girls, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I rushed into things; I was so blinded by my worry for Y/N that I didn't think straight. I'm sorry... I guess I paid for it though didn't I?' Minju chuckled as she pointed towards her bandaged leg. The fight against Bangtan had ended very quickly after Minju was shot in the leg, luckily she was already on the mend, 'anyway, what happened, happened. There's no point moping about it because Bangtan still have my sister and I am not giving up. Unfortunately I'm out of the running for now, so girls, I want you to go out there and do everything in your power to find the location of Bangtan's house! They've moved since I was last with them but I bet you that's where they're keeping Y/N.'

'We'll find her Minju!' Yujin said as the girls or got ready to go out and find Bangtan's house.

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