Chapter 4

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"Hey, I get you're tougher than our hostages normally are but you're gonna really regret refusing to spill once Jimin gets back with Hoseok." You continued to try and hide any evidence of fear in your expression as you stared straight into the eyes of the mint haired guy.

Despite the threat from Jimin you had refused to give any information about The Ark and as a result Jimin had gone to fetch Hoseok who would apparently be able to get the information out of you. Of course, you knew he could, as a dancer your tolerance for pain was high but you had a feeling these guys were capable of causing pain much worse.

"Whatever, so what's your name? Jimin told me his, what's yours?" Changing the subject would help calm you down a bit knowing what was going to happen once Jimin returned with this Hoseok; who you remembered as the guy with the brass knuckles who had punched you unconscious. This just showed that he wasn't going to hold back until he got the information he wanted from you.

The mint haired guy must have realised your worry as he smirked before agreeing to change the subject.

"The names Yoongi." He took his lighter out as he spoke and started playing with it; his eyes shifting between you and the flame it produced.

"And your friend back there?" You nodded towards the guy who was still leaning against the post near the back. He'd been watching you the whole time he was there; not showing any emotions or reactions to what was happening. Yoongi turned to look at him and he nodded to tell Yoongi that he could tell you his name.

"That would be Jungkook, youngest in our gang but probably one of the strongest." The newly named Jungkook smiled smugly at the description he had been given, for some reason his smug behaviour made you chuckle under your breathe but Yoongi noticed as he raised an eyebrow at your reaction.

Before you had to explain yourself Jimin came sauntering in followed by Hoseok; brass knuckles in hand and a devilish smirk plastered on his face. You shuddered at the sight; this wasn't going to be fun.

"I'm back and I brought a friend. You remember Hoseok don't you Y/N?" Jimin pulled his stool next to Yoongi and took a seat as Hoseok came and stood next to him. You looked him up and down trying to hide the pure terror you couldn't help but feel as you felt his lifeless eyes staring straight at you.

"Ah yes, you're the guy who I fan kicked in the face." You conjured all the confidence in you to look strong as you made the comment about the fight earlier, your gaze meeting Hoseok's.

"Yah! I'm also the guy who had to carry your unconscious body here after punching you in the head. Now, I don't want to hurt you, so to make this easy for both of us, how about you tell us all you know about The Ark. You could start with where their base is situated." Hoseok sounded unnervingly calm as he spoke, it was as though he was trying to calm you; it was doing the complete opposite. However, you wanted to stay strong for your sister, you weren't going to put her in any more danger than she was already in, even if it meant having to put up with whatever Hoseok had planned.

"Yeah no. I don't actually know where their base is, but even if I did I wouldn't tell you." The second you had said you braced yourself for the consequences, and sure enough you felt yourself being thrown into the side of the chair as you were punched in the shoulder, a small cut formed where the brass knuckles had made contact with your skin. You couldn't help but wince and groan as you felt the impact.

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt? Maybe this will help." Hoseok threw another harsh punch at your shoulder, this time earning a sharp yell from you as the cut opened more and blood started to spill from it. You sat yourself up and looked around once the pain became bearable again, Jimin and Yoongi were completely unfazed by the situation while Jungkook looked at you with concern printed on his face but he quickly looked away once he noticed you watching him.

"You know I could do this all day, of course that would probably result in your death so you might want to hurry up and tell us what you know about The Ark." Hoseok adjusted the brass knuckles on his hands as he looked down at you.

"I don't know anything about The Ark." This instantly resulted in a mixture of fist and metal being thrown against your cheek. Another yell echoed through the room, the pain taking much longer to become bearable, but as you squinted at the four figures in front of you, you noticed Jungkook look at you with a pained expression before quietly slipping out of the room unnoticed by the others. However, before you could question his actions you were being yanked forward by the collar of your top and pushed against the back of the chair, all the air in you being knocked out of you in the process and Hoseok's face now inches from yours.

"Don't lie to us you bitch, we know you know info and you're gonna tell us." Your strangled breaths filled the room as you tried to get your breathe back, tears brimming your eyes as you couldn't hide your fear and panic anymore. Hoseok just watched you struggle, an amused expression on his face. It made you feel sick.

"Hoseok that's enough. You'll scare her so much she'll be too afraid to say anything." Yoongi spoke calmly watching the scene in front of him with a blank expression. Hoseok stepped away from you and turned to face the others, his task for the day now completed.

"Come on." Jimin stood up and signalled for Hoseok to follow him out of the room, Yoongi stayed seated, simply eyeing you up and down as you watched the other two leave.

"You okay?" Yoongi stood and slowly made his way towards you, you huffed at his question.

"Right, bad question." He crouched down in front of you taking a first aid kit out from under your chair. He then proceeded to patch up the cut on your shoulder in silence before putting the first aid kit back and leaving the room without another word. You were left in the room alone and despite having stayed strong up until now, you couldn't stop the tears from falling freely as you were met with pain and chaotic emotions.

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