Chapter 7

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At least half an hour had passed. It could have been longer but you couldn't tell. You had only just managed to stop crying, the room now completely silent apart from your occasional sniff or the shuffle of Jungkook's feet. Jungkook had gone back to his post but he hadn't taken his eyes off you from the moment the other boys left.

You leaned back into the chair you were still tied to and closed your eyes. Your shallow breaths filled the silence as you tried to slow your heart that was beating so fast you felt like it was going to burst. The image of your beaten sister raced through your head. She had come home everyday beaten up by her so-called boyfriend and she was always too scared to do anything about it. You were the one who convinced her to do something, of course, you never thought she'd start a gang but even that was still safer than being near Namjoon. When convincing Minju to do something you had threatened to find Namjoon and do something about it yourself. It sounded like a good idea at the time but after actually meeting him just now you were suddenly glad Minju had refused to let you out of the house for anything other than college.

You shivered and tried to clear your mind. The attempt failed greatly and as you shivered a second time at the thought of what Namjoon was going to do to you, you couldn't help but let out a small whimper. You froze as you heard the shuffle coming from the corner of the room; Jungkook must have heard. You subtly looked over to see him eyeing you with concern.

"Your staring really isn't helping." Your voice cracked and shook as you spoke, your attempt at sounding calm completely failing. Jungkook's expression softened and he looked guilty as he looked down at his feet.

"Sorry I didn't mean... are you okay?" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked back up as he spoke. The second the question left his mouth his eyes widened as he realised that it wasn't the best thing he could have asked.

"I'm not even going to answer that." You faintly chuckled at his moment of panic and Jungkook calmed down as he heard you.

"Yeah, fair enough, sorry." He stepped away from his post and awkwardly walked over, stopping a few feet from you. You eyed him cautiously but the smile on his face made all the worry leave you at once and you couldn't help but give him a faint smile back, which made him smile even more.

"You're gonna be okay. I know it doesn't seem like it but Namjoon isn't going to hurt you." Jungkook slowly walked over and sat, cross-legged, on the floor in front of you.

"Oh really? Something tells me that's not true." You shifted in your seat looking down at him with weary eyes.

"Okay well, he wont hurt you yet. He likes to threaten people and scare them first." He looked down and murmured so you could only just hear what he was saying.

"That sounds more like it." You said through gritted teeth as you pulled at the rope around your wrists. You were suddenly feeling angry at Namjoon, wondering how he could do what he did to Minju- and soon you- without any thought about it.

You huffed and tugged at the rope for a while, murmuring and muttering a mixture of insults about Namjoon. You only stopped when two hands were placed on your own, holding your hands down enough to prevent you from moving them. Your gaze lifted to meet his worried one as he leant towards you.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay." His grip on your wrists loosened but he didn't move them away.

"You've got me tied up in a warehouse, you're one to talk." Your voice came out harsh and loud, which caused Jungkook to flinch and move away. You would have felt bad but you reminded yourself that he wasn't on your side, he had been with them when Namjoon abused your sister. So instead of softening your gaze you continued to glare at him with hatred swimming in your eyes. Jungkook held eye contact with you for a few seconds before looking down and stepping away. His expression was one of both guilt and pain, which made you soften your gaze a bit.

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