Chapter 2

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It all happened in an instant; the guy with the bat swung at you while the brass knuckles guy walked behind you readying his fists. You quickly ducked under the bat, rolling to stand up to the side of the two men who appeared to be shocked over your quick reflexes. Of course, they quickly recovered, realising that your sister must have made you take defence classes; which you had done before going to college, plus, it was surprising how many dance moves could be turned into effective attacks.

This time the brass knuckles guy took a few punches, you narrowly dodged them before fighting back; when the guy was least expecting it you fan kicked him in the face, he stumbled back shocked from the impact but before you had a chance to take in what you had done a bat came into contact with your arm, knocking you to the floor.

You quickly regained awareness and stood up, lunging towards the guy with the bat and grabbing it, ripping it away from his grip; he was forced to fight with you without the advantage of a weapon. You threw punches here and there, some hitting, and some missing. But you were being hit with punches to and it wasn't long until the force of a fist against your shoulder pushed you back down.

You were pinned to the ground.

"You're actually pretty good." The guy smirked as you tried to break free from his grip.

"Better than you think." The guy gave a small chuckle at your confidence but quickly stopped as he suddenly found himself being pinned down by you. The fear and anger inside you boiled as you threw some fairly measly punches, but they were hard enough to do some damage as your fists met his face.

Three or four punches in and you felt yourself being yanked up and off of him by the collar of your top. The guy with brass knuckles then pushed you away from his gang member who was lying on the floor in a daze as blood dripped from his nose; you stumbled but quickly regained balance and stood upright to suddenly see that all the other members, who had previously been silently watching, now all stood pointing guns at you. You froze.

"Ok so we weren't actually expecting you to be able to fight back, but you pull any of that shit again and you'll have a bullet going straight through you." The tall guy with pink hair stepped towards you as he spoke, the snarl still evident in his voice; you took a step back, looking at the 5 men all pointing guns towards you.

"Right, thanks to you we're now down a member so we're not going to be gentle like we originally planned. Jimin go help Tae. Hoseok, deal with her." The pink haired man put his gun away and the other members followed suit, you watched as the guy with orange hair went over to Tae who was still lying on the ground, before turning as you noticed the guy with brass knuckles walking towards you. You took a step back but before you had a chance to react, he was punching you, brass knuckles in hand, straight in the head and everything suddenly became nothing.

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