Thursday 1-21-10

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A/N I'm glad a few people enjoy this :)
P.S chapters are meant to be short since it's journal entries.

While you were asleep, I cried.

Why did you never tell me? I could've helped you. I knew something was wrong, but I thought if it was bad you'd talk to me. I had to find it out on my own. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself. I wish I had known sooner. And maybe now, NOW you might not be laying in a hospital bed with stitches above your left eye and 3 cracked ribs along with a sprained ankle and too many bruises to count, all varying in color and size. I should've been there sooner, but I can't change that. All I can do is be here now. Sleep peacefully Boo-bear, it will get better. I'll make sure of it.

While You Were Sleeping [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now