Tuesday 1-26-10

384 23 0

A/N Sorry for now updating. But holy shit almost 200 reads!!!!!!!!

While you were sleeping, I day dreamed.

I imagined a beautiful future, where the bad couldn't reach us. We soared above everyone else and lived in beautiful harmony. We would sing and laugh and the rest of the world would watch in envy as we had the most wonderful life that could only be dreamt of. Our own little world. Just you and me. Where your problems are far away and I get to see that beautiful smile I used to know. But sadly, that kind of life only lives in a fairy tale. A dream. My dream. Where you are treated like a princess. But instead, here in reality, you are pushed and shoved and made to believe you are so much less than you really are. I'm sorry. I hope your dreams are as magical as mine. Good night, lovely.

While You Were Sleeping [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now