Thursday 2-4-10

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While you were asleep, I smiled.

We had the best day today. I decided to throw caution to the wind and convinced you to skip school with me. We went to our secret spot. The one surrounded by trees and sweet smelling flowers, and that lake that's almost as blue as your eyes. Almost... The way the sun glinted off your eyes, and shined brighter than they have in years, it was like watching a masterpiece being crafted right before me. Your laugh is contagious and I can't help but feel like time stops when I hear it. The world around us stops and admires your beauty, honestly. And maybe I'm getting... Aroused remembering today. But you don't need to know that I was imagining your thick thighs and firm bum bouncing on my- I need to stop. I just can't stop thinking about your beauty. It's a shame the most beautiful people never see their own beauty. Well, I've been up for three hours trying to contain my loaded gun so I think I'm just going to go to bed now, haha. Goodnight, sleeping beauty.

While You Were Sleeping [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now