Monday 1-25-10

426 24 5

A/N: You guys are cool. Getting me up to about 50 views and 10 votes. You cute lil shits.
Shout-out to XxAllyStylinsonxX for being awesome.

While you were asleep, I held you close.

You had cried yourself to sleep and it broke my heart into tiny pieces. When you got back to school today, people threw horrible insults at you. I wanted to punch every single person that gave you so much as a wrong look. How dare they say such things about someone as beautiful as you? No one deserves this, especially you. You'll never know, but I will protect you forever if I can. Holding you in my arms and shielding you from the world. Sleep, love.

While You Were Sleeping [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now