Tuesday 1-11-11

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Louis looked at the book with shaky hands. He sat in his bed, tears streaming down his face. Why did I do this to him?

He picked up the pen and wrote:

Tuesday 1-11-11

While I was asleep, I never knew the things you went through for me.

You stayed up admiring me like no one ever had. Even though I thought no one was there for me, you were there all along. And for what, for me to push you away? Why did I do this? What is wrong with me!?  I never had any idea you felt this way. I was so clueless. And now.... Now you're dead. I'm not even going to deny that it's all my fault; I drove you to it. I've never regretted anything more than not giving you a chance... You were so obvious too! Why didn't I kiss you when I had the chance?? Why didn't I just open my god damn eyes? It's ironic how that's how it all began.

I couldn't close my eyes.

Couldn't sleep.

You made such an effort for me to fall asleep.

To close my eyes.

But it's the very thing that tore us apart.

While you were asleep, I hoped for myself.

But while I was asleep, you hoped for me.

Well, now you have your answer....

I'm sorry.

-Louis Tomlinson.

And that was the last thing Louis ever wrote.


So yeah, I imagine there would've been a few chapters before this where Harry hinted at wanting to commit suicide and then I would've posted this. I honestly wrote this chapter before like 15 of the other ones I posted and had it planned from the beginning.

While You Were Sleeping [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now