October 24th

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It's October 24th, I'm standing at the cashier lost in my thoughts whilst waiting for a customer when Matt, this guy I work with grabs my wrist and I'm not only pulled out of my thoughts but I'm being pulled through the shopping aisles. Next thing I knew we were in the staff room standing in front  of a mirror.

"Take a good look at yourself. I don't like what I've been seeing these past few months. I don't know whether you've stopped eating or you're not looking after yourself properly but you've lost the glow you had before. Now your cheeks are sunken in, your frame seems more fragile and to put it bluntly you look close to death. I know you'll tell me nothing is wrong so I'm not going to ask I'm just going to state what we're going to do about. I'm coming over to yours tonight and I'm going to make you a proper meal and we can talk about what the problem is. I'm not taking no for an answer because I want the old you with your glow even though you didn't speak much." He stated confidently and all the while I couldn't get what he said about getting the old me back. I hated the old me with such a passion! She was just a nameless cog in this universe who thought that what she was doing was her will but turns out she was following what society told her to do. It was like when people told me that I was beautiful I would snicker at them because it seemed like they were blind to what was before them.

For a while I just stood and looked at the figure that I hadn't seen in months or maybe years. I felt sicker at this site than when I was bigger.

"So I'll see you after work in the car park since I don’t actually know where you live and we’ll go together." He said ever so silently and left me standing there. Suddenly I began to get worried, he couldn't come to my house. I didn't want anyone in my personal hell that reminded me that my existence was like the black hole that would eventually swallow this universe. He couldn't come over! For 3 years I've managed to keep people out and just because he's decided to state the obvious didn't mean he could just waltz in and start dictating things to me.

With this new determination I went to the manager and asked if I could finish a bit early because I had a doctor's appointment. I knew he would say yes because from the way matt was talking I knew I was the topic of the staff room. With that I finished stocking the shelves and left to go home in a haste.

At around 7 as I was about to get into the bath when my door bell went off and my first thoughts were it was my landlords. I switched the taps off in the bathroom and run to the door in my bathrobe. I opened the door and to my shock it was someone else. How did he find me?


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