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It's been 3 tormenting months with Kevin constantly inviting Oscar and I to join him at almost every function he attended. Oscar can't say no especially when his mum is involved. I've had to spent most of my moments scared because of the look in Kevin's eyes whenever they're on me. Especially the times when Oscar and I are having a moment, I can look up and no matter where we are in the room those eyes find me and make me recoil in my shell. I can never do anything more than look because he's dangerous and so are the gorilla looking men he surrounds himself with.

Tonight we are at Kevin's club for his birthday and I am standing in the corner waiting for Oscar to come back. He said he needed to answer a call and he'd be back but that was 30 minutes ago. Work didn't usually take that long but I didn't want to go find him and disturb anything important so I decided to wait 10 more minutes. In the meantime I headed to the toilet. The toilets are near the back doors and as I approached I could hear someone yelling only because the doors ate slightly open. I open the door a bit more to find Kevin is the one yelling and there's someone laying on the floor. I don't know what possessed me to stand there longer but within 5 minutes of me being there a body came behind me pushing me through the doors.

"Found her boss, she was right behind the door. I think she was enjoying the show." One of Kevin's men said as he chuckled. I stood there not knowing what to do but curiosity got the better of me and I looked at who was on the floor.The sight had me completely frozen.

"It's your precious Oscar." Kevin whispered to me and I hadn't noticed how close he'd gotten to me. I felt Kevin's thumb wipe away a tear that I hadn't noticed was coming down. I slowly knelt beside his body and keeping my eyes on Oscar I asked,

"Why? Why would you do this to him? What has he ever done to you?! Huh Kevin, what has he ever done but clean up your mess?"

Kevin squatted beside me, grabbed my jaw towards him and spoke with such spite in his voice,

"First of all if I must remind you, you belong to me. And secondly I did not ask him to clean up the mess which is you. You are mine to clean and no one else's." He paused and as I tried to get out his grip he tightened it and proceeded to speak again.

"This is what is going to happen, you are coming with me meaning your relationship with Oscar is over or stay and witness his death and live forever knowing you were cause of his death. And trust me I can do everything to make sure you end up in prison and bring hell on earth when you get into prison. The ball is in your court." He said and finally let go. I knew what decision to make but I couldn't leave Oscar lying here. What if no one found him and he ended up dying. I was brought out of my thoughts by Kevin counting down. All I could do was say good bye to the man who gave me a second chance despite all the baggage I came with. I leant down kissed him and I whispered I love you. Without warning I was picked up and the last thing I saw was Oscar being kicked in the stomach. That alone made me scream out loud surely someone would hear and come save both of us. But there was none and I was shoved in a car where I cried all the way to our destination.

I thought we'd be going to some sort of mansion but we had come to some flat in the London bridge area. It was nice, stylish, modern, fitted Kevin's stinking attitude but the problem was there was no space. This meant I couldn't really avoid Kevin and at every given moment he would know where in the apartment I was. All Kevin did when we got in was point me to a room which was shocking because I thought he would be trying to claim what was his. I went in shut the door behind me and cried.

For 3 days I didn't really leave the room unless I had to go to the bathroom, my clothes were brought to me which made me scared because he'd been in my home. I hope matt was okay.

You can imagine surprise when one of his men barged in the room and dragged me out by arm to the kitchen area. When he let go, I stood beside the pillar and tried to avoid looking at Kevin, who was making a mess of the sandwich he was making.

"What would you like to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry, thank you." I replied timidly. I don't think that was the answer he was looking because in break neck speed he was next to me. The force at which he grabbed my neck made my head slam against the mirror that was hanging on the pillar. I could feel the blood at the back of my head but I couldn't move because I was being choked.

"Don't give that crap! You haven't eaten anything in 3 days and it better not be about Oscar because I can get him killed. So it would be in your best interest to eat what I give you before you have someone's blood on your hands. Now have I made myself clear?" To that I could only nod, my breathing was getting shallow and I beginning to see stars.

"Good so I'm going order Chinese, look at the menu and mark what you want." With that he finally let go and I dropped to the floor coughing and trying to remember how to breathe. One of his man came to pick me up and he had remorse and compassion in his eyes. This got me confused but at least someone other than myself felt sorry for me.

"Why are you picking her up Archie?" Kevin asked.

"I was going to clean up the blood. You know since we're traveling we can't have suspicion raised as to why she’s bloody or why her hair is matted at the back." Archy said sounding slightly desperate, for what reason I'm not sure.

"Aaaaah good thinking. Get her cleaned and what not. You can be her guard for now." He exclaimed and Archie let out a breath of relief. Why was he doing that? He turned to me and pulled toward the room. When in there he showed me the menu and I chose what I would try to eat. Next he made me have a bath and when I came out he disinfected my cut on the back of my head and that's when he started talking.

"We're traveling to Greece tomorrow and we'll be there for sometime. We've already got your travel things sorted. Do you know that ever since I've known him he's been looking for you and that was like 4 years ago. You must be something special for him to keep surveillance on you." He stopped as he finished the last stitch and he walked towards the door. He abruptly turned around and spoke with cautiously,

"I would suggest you not do anything else to annoy him just for the safety of your body. You seem frail and you can't keep getting hurt. I've seen what he does to women who don't mean anything to him so I'm pleading with you please, please don't piss him off. Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." He said pleasingly and gave me a sympathetic smile before leaving to stare at the bathroom floor thinking about how I could have avoided this situation.


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