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Sorry everyone that it's taken me so long to update, hope you enjoy :)

After that night the walls around my heart were up regardless of who it was and I found I was spending less time within my home because I was mostly avoiding the boys. All two of them. I had just come back from some shopping Kevin wanted done, didn’t spend any time in the lounge just went straight to my room. The door opened and the one person I wished to avoid the most was standing in front of me and I all I could do was turn away from him.

“How have you been?” He asked quietly as his steps closer to me. I didn’t respond and he kissed my shoulder. “Talk to me please?”

“Why are you working for him Oscar? After everything, I don’t get it. I don’t get you.” I shrugged him off and started putting the things I bought away.

“Can you at least look at me?” He pleads with me, after a while of me not responding he sighs and carry’s on. “I took the job because it was the only way I could prove to him that he could trust me around you.” I snorted in unbelief. Next thing I knew his hands were on mine, stopping me from getting into the drawer, I tried to shake them off but he kept a firm grip on me and pulled me so I was facing him. “That way I could be with you whenever without him being suspicious.” He cupped my face and kissed me. I fought against it but couldn’t hold that wall up for long and I melted right into him before I knew it both us were naked and catching our breath.

“Oh god I’ve missed you so much.” I confessed to him. “I was so shocked to see you working for him-.” Oscar cut me off by shushing me.

“If I had told you it wouldn’t have been convincing enough.” He kissed my temple. “You should get some sleep.” I nodded, reached over to get a t-shirt to put on and curled up against Oscar. I was woken up to kisses and I turned over with a smile on my face only to open my eyes and be reminded that Kevin was still a major player in this part of my life. I kept that smile on my face even if it didn’t reach my eyes.

“I’ve never seen you so happy to see me. I told the guys to bring dinner up and it’ll be here in five minutes.” A frown came on my face and he interpreted wrongly “You can go back to sleep if you’re not hungry.” I shook my head and got up to rinse my mouth.

“How’s your day been?” I asked as I came back to bed.

“It’s been okay, nothing interesting. How about you?” He looked at me and I noticed that it was different to usual, it was hard to identify what it was exactly. He gave me the tightest hug and whispered, “I’ve missed you today.”

After that moment we had our dinner and a cosy night in watching a movie, I was still having my bit with Oscar. I don’t know how I managed it but I did and in a way having both of them allowed me to love them more in different way and for different reasons. I couldn’t justify my actions but it felt good and I didn’t feel like stopping hence why a month had gone by.

It was the third weekend of the second month that Kevin was having a party and it so happened that Oscar was the one taking me to the party so naturally we spent some time with each other before leaving. When I got to the party I looked for Kevin straight away just so it didn’t look suspicious. As I approached him, I walked past the associates he was talking to and kissed him. His grip on waist was painful and tight but I smiled regardless.

“You look beautiful.” He complimented me with a smile that didn’t reach his face and I wondered what the problem was.

“And you look handsome too.” I rested my head on his shoulders just as he introduced me to his associates. After some time he sent me off to my own devices and I was only called back when he was about to make a speech. He called me to the center making me slightly on edge.

“Firstly I want to say thank you to everyone for coming and I hope you’re all having a good time. This lady standing here in this beautiful red dress is my girlfriend, I met her when I was a boy and I’m happy that years later as a man she is still mine.” As he spoke I looked at his line of vision and he was looking at Oscar with an annoyed look on his face. “I want to do right by her.” That is when he got down on one knee and looked me in the eye “Sweetheart would you make an honest man of me and do me the honors by accepting to be my wife?” To say I was shocked was an understatement and rather than look at Kevin I sort for my answer from Oscar which was a grave mistake because when I turned back to Kevin he knew who I was looking at. “Oscar please come forward.” Slowly the group parted and Oscar came through his face completely pale. Kevin chuckled to himself before speaking, “Do you want to help her make this decision since you’ve been helping her recently?”

“Kevin I have an answer fo-.” Kevin cut me off

“Shut up! I was talking to Oscar.” He yelled which made me coil within myself, something I hadn’t done in a while and much to my embarrassment I could hear the gasps of the onlookers. “So Oscar are you gonna help her make this decision.”

“Kevin it’s a sweet gesture and she’s a lucky girl.”

“Ooh she’s a lucky girl, why thank you brother.” He turned to me with a smile that could only be described as evil. “The decision’s been made bunny, we’re getting married, come here.”

I shakily walked over to him, were he grabbed my hand and placed the ring on. People cheered and clapped as he kissed me, they even carried on as we walked through to get to the other side which led outside.

“Kevin what were you playing at-” Oscar stopped because of the gun that Kevin was pointing at him. “Kevin put that away.” Oscar said through clenched teeth.

“Don’t tell me what to do Oscar, remember I’m the boss I tell you what to do.”

“Excuse me Mr Lauder.” This voice broke through the tension between all three of us and Kevin swung the gun from his brother to this man, only to be faced with three other men of which, two had guns facing us. Oscar noticed how much I was shaking and came closer to me to comfort me.

“Who are you?” Kevin asked agitated.

“We are here to arrest you as we have proof to believe that you’ve been extorting, so if you put the gun down we can leave quietly.” Kevin smiled and shook his head.

“Kevin please put the gun down.” Oscar pleaded and Kevin was then reminded why he was outside in the first.

“Move away from her, she is mine Oscar.” He growled at Oscar “I don’t know where you get the cheek to tell me what to do when you can’t even be honest with me.” Kevin’s began waving the gun. “Did you not think I would find out that something was happening between the pair of you.”

“Mr Lauder we would advise that you put the gun down and come with us.” The man commanded.

“I’m coming! Oscar she’s mine, leave her to me stop trying to win her back because she’s never coming back  to you-” Kevin began to rant

“Mr Lauder, this is the last time I ask.”

The next part happened so fast that I didn’t believe it had happened. In the midst of Kevin trying to shut the officer up his gun went off hitting Oscar, in reaction the officer shot Kevin and everything came to a stand still. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had taken place, my memory was going extra slow to assure me that it did happen and finally when it sunk in I fell to the floor and shrieked looking at both men. In my eyes I just saw the boys I grew up with and I couldn’t believe how lifeless they looked. I couldn’t believe they’d left me. I crawled over to Oscar who’s eyes were opened but there was no life in him, I memorised every part of his face kissed him and closed his eyes, telling him that I loved him. Then I crawled over to Kevin who seemed lifeless but upon my touch his eyes shot open and what made it sad was he was begging me to take the pain away. I decided to sing him one of his favourite songs and he smiled before for ebbing away. The irony that in the last moment I was with the one brother I spent most of my time running away from. I’d lost both of my boys all at once and with each sob I just kept up this mantra ‘my boys, my boys, my boys.’    

Thanks for reading :)

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