London Town

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This weekend Oscar and I came to London mainly to visit my mum but to go out on the town. Seeing my mum again was slightly strange, it took awhile for the banter to start but when it did it was as if we'd had seen each other the day before.

Right now Oscar and I were walking into our first bar. As usual the music was loud, flashing lights and bodies rubbing up against each other. We went straight to the bar and got our drinks. After we'd had a few drinks and shots, we made our way to the dance floor. I don't know how long we were there for but I knew I was lost in a trance when this hench guy was tapping on my shoulder and it took me awhile to remember my surroundings. That's the thing about Oscar whatever we did I could get lost and escape. The man told us the boss wanted us to see him, I was confused as to why but I didn't make a scene because I'm not that sort of person plus I didn't want to draw attention to myself and Oscar. We had to sit for about 10 minutes before the boss came in and when he did come in he sat at the corner of the table in front of me. I didn't look up as my eyes were on Oscar pants, so it wasn't until he cleared his throat that I looked up. There was something familiar about this guy, maybe from uni or something.

"You don't remember me." He spoke and the voice rung in my head why wasn't it coming to me. I just wanna go home and have a good shag but now this is going to bug me all night!

"I see you found her first bro and I would like to say that time has done you well sweetheart." He said and lifted up my chin. At that point my mind and body was working over time and I could feel bile rising. I think he said bro, I knew that Oscar had one brother. It couldn't be, it just couldn't, how had he found me. I could hear Oscar telling him not to touch me. He had no right. He tried to get my attention but I could feel my dinner and the alcohol coming up. What happened in the next 5 minutes was not my fault, I puked all over Kevin. Next thing I was being put in Oscars car driving home. It wasn't after we got in and Oscar was holding onto my hand to get my attention that I realized I was shaking so much.

"How did he find me?" I stuttered out, Oscar was trying to calm me down whilst Matt, who I hadn't realized had arrived, handed me a glass of water.

"I didn't know that was his club honest. I know he owns bars and clubs but just didn't know that one belonged to him. I'm sorry really." He said sincerely and as much as I could hear it, I couldn't get the fact out of my head that he lead me right to the guy I wished was dead.

"You took me to him!" That was the last thing I said before storming into my room.

I haven't left my room for 3 days despite the pleading from the others. It felt as if, if I came out he would be there laughing at me and reminding of all the things I've tried to forget. I could hear Oscar speaking to Matt telling him that him and I have invited to the neighborhood barbeque and his mum wanted me there but he couldn't find a way to shut her mum down. I don't know where this confidence came from but I got ready and opened the door just as Oscar was about to knock.

"I'm coming with you only because I want to show that pig that he's an ass and I'm way better off without him because I have you." No arguing we got our coats and drove back to London. When we got there things had kicked off and everyone we met thought it was fitting to mention how it was strange to see me with the older brother when originally with the younger brother. I got tired of this and went inside to get away front the talk only to be slammed against a wall away from the public eye. Kevin had his hands at the sides of my head and leaned in so his face was beside my ear.

"If for one second you believe that by being with my brother means I don't still have claim on you I would like to remind you that you're wrong. He was a fool for not getting you when he could. Yes I might have lost you when you decided it best to move away but now that I've found you babe there's no going back. I will make you mine even if means hurting you because you belong to me. You're just a thing to me but unlike the others you're my special thing. Let me remind that I was your first and I will be the last. Love you sweetheart and I've missed you." He whispered threateningly and kissed my cheek before leaving me stunned. This was the reason I stayed behind close doors, the reason that for so long I avoided human contact, this was why. Sadly I could feel all the hard work everyone had put into helping me crumbling down and the beginning of me recoiling within myself. In some weird way I knew that things were going to get worse from here on up.

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