2, The Group Of Bad Boys

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My cousins voice fills my ears as I'm about to hit the first step on the school stairs. I turn my head slightly to the corner to see my cousin standing there with his arms crossed over his chest staring straight at me. I didn't move a inch from my spot.

I gave him a fake smile but it quickly fell "Ryder. What do you want?" I said sending him a hard glare

Ryder smiled a little "Oh Katie don't be like that. I just came to say hello"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my head jerked fast, I know looked into Allies eyes "Um I'll see you in class Katie." Allie patted my shoulder and walked into the front doors of the school leaving me with Ryder

I nodded towards her and went down the stair to the brick corner were Ryder was to find his 6 hidden friends leaning there firm backs against the wall which was now spray painted. It  smelled really bad from cigarettes.

"Gross it smells like Lung Cancer over here." I said trying breathing threw my mouth and not  my nose

One if the many guys chuckled a little at my comment "It's funny that you think we fucking care"

Ryder swung his large arm over my shoulders "That's Ace" He pointed to the tall guy with black hair and dark grey eyes, he was wearing a black v-neck shirt and jeans and of course his cliché black leather jacket.

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes "Don't flatter yourself, I've seen a lot better " I lied

" Sure you have"

"You know wha-"

"Can you guys stop bickering. Your giving me a fucking head ache" one of the guys with dark blonde hair interrupts

Ace slammed his cigarette on the ground and gave it a hard stomp with his shoe "Would you Shut the fuck up. Mas" he rolled his eyes to his friend standing by him.

" don't swear in front of the lady." Mason shot back

Ace took another cigarette out of his pocket and mumbled "whatever" he touched his lips with his cigarette and let out smoke from his nose

I shock my head "Well I'll see you later Ryder I need to go"

I was about to turn around but a hand caught my wrist.

Fuck! So close!

He put his hands up in my face "Wait! I haven't introduced the rest of the guys!" He wined

"Fine then I'm leaving it's the first day of school and I don't want to be late" I said

"Okay fine. We'll you already know them" he pointed to Ace and Mason
" That's Jessie. Jesse, Katie. Katie, Jesse " he pointed to a tall boy with with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hi" that's all I said because I didn't know what to say these boys are complete strangers

"Hi love" Jesse smiled

" That's Reece" Ryder pointed toward the boy with black hair and really scary deep blue eyes.

Reece gave me one of those boy nods which I gave right back.

"He doesn't speck much" Ryder whispered in my ear

" Oh and last but not least Cooper" he points to who was standing on the other side of Ace.

" Hi "

Cooper pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and and blew blue out smoke which hit my directly in the face. 

I frowned "Ew. Please remind me to stay away from you." I said in a disgust, waving the smoke away from my face.

"Oh babe, you don't have to be like that it's just smoke smells nice doesn't?" He said running his hair through his brown hair

Everyone chuckled

" No it smells disgusting... Like you" I said in a cold voice

" Damn!"

" Ha fucking burn!"

Cooper grabbed my waist so we were chest to chest nose to nose and he whispered to me
" Be careful girl you don't want to get on my bad side"

I looked up in his darken brown eyes and whispered back
"Fine just don't blow smoke in my face and don't be an ass."

I heard him growl but before he could say anything I poked him in the side hard with my  fingers and he let go so I turned my feet fast and waved be hide me saying "Bye boys!" And flicked them off while turning the corner and running up stairs to the school.


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