7, Car journey

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The rest of my classes were boring like usually, once I heard the bell rang and I put my notebook into my backpack, I abruptly zipped up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I knew turning around from were I was standing Allie was behind me. She probably wanted a ride home because she would rather not take the bus. But of course she bet me to it taking me out of my thoughts

Allie looked like she was waiting awhile, her hands were stuffed in her pockets and her foot tapped eagerly against the floor "Your giving me a ride home right? Oh and where were you in history?" She said finally reaching for her stuff off the floor, which was just her backpack

"Ha don't I always" I smiled taking out my car keys from my pocket "Oh and about the history thing I was just with Ryder. No worries" I said looking around seeing no one was in the classroom anymore but are teacher that was only clearing the board, so I shrugged and walked passed Allie to the door. I could already see not even stepping foot into the hallway that it was already packed with students trying to leave.

Allies eyes scrunched together in confusion "You ditched with him? Why?" She said opening the door for me before I could do it myself. I smiled thanking her and we joined the rushing students to the front of school

As we walked in the hallway side by side I told her all that had happened after Science and the whole spray painting, and the run in with the Ding dongs. I talked as she listened and well while I was trying to talk around the sea of kids pushing and yelling for people to get to the entrance of school

" May I ask Why do you call them ding dong, I think that nickname is kinda hilarious. You think they get mad after hearing it" Allie asked me, laughing a little. After the long struggle of the hallway we finally get out of the big front doors of school.

"Mh, I guess Because I can." I shrugged "I don't  really know I just don't want to call them ' Bad boys" you know? it's just to cliché for me" The sun hit my face hard as I walked done the steps. I was getting quite warm and I'm pretty sure I stepped in something squishy as we walked down the steps and me and Allie had to go all the way down the parking lot to find my car. Because there are so many new kids this year all the parking spots were takin in the front of the school

It took awhile but when we finally got to the car Allie whipped her big bulky backpack on my car. Her bag was full of books, I don't know how much that thing even weighs. But as she done with her backpack Allie plopped on my hud next to her bag of books. I rolled my eyes doing the same thing she did and sat on my hood.

Allie looked at me curiously and shrugged "How could you not call them badboys. They have the whole persona. They got the leather jackets, a lot of them has a motorcycle and everyone says there pretty cute, just saying" Allie looked at the right side of the parking lot by the entrance by the school. All six boys stood there talking away by themselves, while smoking there cigarettes like everything's chill.

I rolled my eyes looking away from them and laid flat on my back on the car. Looking up at the blue sky " I wonder why the teachers haven't said anything about not smoking on school property?" I said looking up at the clouds. Oh great that's gross, I don't even wanna tell Allie what that cloud looked like . I grunted now feeling a vibrate from my phone in my back pocket. I lifted my body back up from the car

" It's could be because there scared of them or maybe it's because the teachers are to lazy to do anything" Ali shrugged ever so slightly. While I took out my phone. I read the text on I just received

Jo: Hey you think I could get a ride with you and Allie, I live pretty close to her and I kinda missed my bus.

Me: Yea no problem. Just go down the parking lot and you'll see my and Allie sitting on my hud.

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