11, Paybacks a bitch

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Listening to music keeps me sane, keeps me out of my thoughts. So I sit here, back on my fucking bed but the events on what just happened kept replaying in my mind. I try and let the music take over my thoughts but I just can't stop thinking about what Ace has said to me

I turned up the volume of my music all the way, so it blares in my ears. I close my eyes and try and concentrate to the hard beats of the music but I suddenly open my eyes to a frightful scream. what the hell

I take out my headphone to hear another cry of a women screaming for bloody murder, which takes my hit of curiosity to nothing as I figure out it's just another scary movie.

Then I remember how Ryder wanted to watch one of my scary movies I had. Scary movies are probably my favorite genre to watch, it's definitely fun to watch Rae and my mom shreck and snuggle together when they get scared

I have nothing better to do so I better scare them a little. I placed my phone and headphone on my bed and went across my room and to the door why I slide passed my mirror

I tuck my hair be hide my ears and sigh at myself. But I push it off and think about scaring the boys down stairs.

I grin at myself now and opened the door. All the lights are off and it's dark outside now, I can see from the stairs the light from the tv. I silently walk forward and then turn left down the stairs theres another scream from the movie

" Bloody Hell!"

I grin to myself trying not to laugh. God there such pussys, I just really like scary movies they just excite me.

I walk down stairs and turn another left to the living room and kitchen but I still walk silent and see what there watching 'Grudge 2' ha what a classic.

In stead of going my further in the living room I back up slowly into the kitchen I here another scream. I stay in the kitchen and look around I sit on a stool opening of the wood barriers that can open and close and can separate my view of the living room

The wood squeaked open as I pulled it swiftly open

" What was that?" I hear Ryder said

" Stop being a baby Ryder"

" This movie scares me bro"

"You guys are fucking pussy's, this shit isn't real" Ace said in a calm but manly tone

"Ha we all know what your afraid of Ace" Jesse is in a teasing tone

" Oh pretty boy what am I so afraid of?" Ace asked

" Love"

Ace was silent for a moment and so was everyone. I heard Ace mumble Whatever.

I silently got on the stole and peeked my head to the living room again I looked on the couch. And saw Ace sitting in the middle with Ryder on the side and Mason on the other. Rae was sitting next to Ryder with the bowl of popcorn by here face. By Mason was Cooper sitting with his legs on the coffee table and his arms on his chest I looked more down and saw he shirt rise up. I swallow my spit as I saw a little of his V line. Of god! I look away and then see Reece next Rae on his phone. Why doesn't he talk? Is he Mute?

I stepped out of the kitchen and walked really slowly. I counted my steps silently I crouched down and kept walking oh was that so uncomfortable. I slowly walked and hide behind the couch and behind Ryder and Rae they always do this to me. Paybacks a bitch I smirk

" Oh danm. Please don't go in there"

I yell whisper "Boo!"

" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"  Rae screams and Reece got scared to that he dropped his phone on the floor and Mason was hiding in Aces shoulder and Jessie was hiding in Cooper shoulder.

Ha babies!

" What the fuck Katie!" Rae said standing up and running on the light by the tv

" Paybacks a bitch. And I didn't even get to tape it" I laugh "you should if see your faces priceless."

"That's was not funny" Ryder said

" Oh but it was!" I smiled I look at Mason still on Aces shirt

" Mason you can let go it was just me" I said

Mason took his face out of Aces shoulder holding his hands up over his face and Rae goes back to her seat which is now filled with fallen popcorn.

" So yall like that movie?" I smiled at everyone

" We were but then you ruined it sweetheart" Cooper smirked at me

" Good then I'm doing my Job" I smiled still bt the couch

"Oh Rae you have popcorn in you hair" I laughed

" fuck you Katie" Rae said getting up " im going to bed" Rae got up from the couch and left the room

" Did you eat dinner!?" I yell

" Ya we had pizza. I didn't think you wanted any!" Rae yells back

" Who doesn't want pizza?" Mason said tuning to me now Reece and Ace and Cooper were on there phones.

" Me"

" So you don't eat pizza?" Jessie asked

" Nope. I'm really never hungry" I surge

" Mh ok"

" We will get you back for this you know" Ace said looking up from his phone and at me with a wild smirk " And like you said Katie paybacks a bitch" he smirked again

Oh Fuck my life I said mentally slapping my forehead

" I'll look forward for your 'payback'l I said

Ryder tuned to me and smirked I rolled my eyes

" So are you all gonna leave or you guys going to have a sleepover and do each other's hair and nails?" I laugh

" Do each other? That's kinda gross don't you think?" Jessie said " But I'll do you instead" he smirked at me

Everyone rolled there eye not just me.

" Aw So you guys are having a sleepover how cute. " I smiled

Cooper still in his phone flicked my off I laughed

" Night boys" I said turning around

" Wait why can't we have a sleepover love. We can have do it in your room" Jessie said I tuned around facing him in a disgust look

" I would rather eat a -"

" Dick" Ruder cut my off everyone chuckled a little bit

" I know your a dick Ryder. That's why the only thing you get is a blow job and not the real thing anymore" I laughed his face fell and he glared at me

" At least I get something" he smiled again

Cooper was trying to hold back a laugh everyone was but Ace and Reece didn't care

" Well when I did get it me and Zeke had a lot of hot sex on your bed by the way" I said staring at him

" You didn't" Ryder asked in a serious look everyone was serious even Reece was paying a little attention

" Oh but we did. Have a nice night boys" I said Ryder mouth had no words his mouth was open i turned my heels I tuned right into the stairs and stared going up. Until I heard Ryder speck

" I'll never sleep in that bad agian" I smiled and went back to my bedroom I made sure to lock the door just in case.

I turned on my lamp and time off my light I plugged my phone in I didn't care what time it was all I wanted is sleep now. I got into my covers and turned of my lamp my room was black all I could see was black I kept my eyes open and thought finally sleep. So I shut my eyes and drifted into the darkness of my own thoughts and dreams.

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