9, Bad Apologies

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I lay staight on my bed, sprawled out like a dead fish. Staring up into go knows where and think. 'How could he say that? how rude can this guy even get'

I heard a knock on my door taking me out of my own thoughts. I rolled my eyes and popped my self up from my laying position on my bed. I manage to slip a few words. With me now faceing my plain brown door "Come in" i grunted

Is it Ace to apologize?

Surprising me. Ryder pokes his head in my room " Hey. I'm sorry about Ace. For some reason he just doesn't like you"

" Whatever. He can say what he thinks"

Hes an asshole

" But h-"

" It's cool, I really don't get mad to those kind of things" I lied. He dares to speak to me like that here. Like is my house dammit!

Ryder pushed himself in my room and stood close to the door " Yeah but with your passed anger problems I just thought you would angrier?" Ryder said closing the door and lining on it while rubbing the back of his neck nervously

I lifted my self of the couch now, furiously "The passed was the passed Ryder stop bringing it up ok!" I shouted

He held his hands up in defense " Okay sorry. But that girl was fun! We had so much bad fun. Tell me you don't remember the good times!"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my hands over my chest " That bad girl is gone. What you and me did today was fun. But that's it" I said, I can't let Ryder put me back onto a bad track. I've been doing good this far and I'm gonna stay that way

He shrugged now, making me glare at him "Fine. But I know you thought in was Ace knocking didn't you" he smirked

I rolled my eyes not replying

He pointed his finger in my face "Ah ha! You did. We'll i did try but he said he thought he did nothing wrong"

That made me clench my jaw. Hard. Did nothing wrong! Ha that a bunch of bull

Saying what I thought, I spoke loud" That's a bunch of bull shit! It was rude and this is my house. I can kick his ass out" I said with a straight face not giving any a motion because in reality I'm seething inside

" Ya I know that's why I am apologizing for him"

That's it! I got up from my bed and turned Ryder around and shoved him out my door, he tried to speak but I pushed him outside.

" You know! He's just a fucking baby. That he can't do it himself!" I yelled so that they all could hear me from the kitchen

Ryder eyes grew big as he pushed me back fully into my room and shut the door " What did you do that for" he said shaking his head at me

I lifted my hands furiously over my head "He needed to hear it! He's a baby for not apologizing to me and thinking he did nothing wrong" I said pocking Ryder in the chest.

He laughed, shoveling my finger away "He probably hates you more now" he said

" I really don't care if he likes me. We are not friends" I shrugged, going to my bed and laying down on it and laying my head on my pillow

Ryder cleared his throat before speaking "Katie your like my sister and their like my brothers. I want you guys to be friends. We'll at least not hate each other's guts"

Dammit! He was pulling the sibling trick on me. He always would say this to get what he wants from me, and he was one of my best friends.

I rolled my eyes "God I hate you, But fine I'll be nice"

" Thank you, and I hate you too"

My phone began to ringing, and the noise of it filled my ears

'Ring ring'

" I'm gonna go, oh can we like watch a movie or something?" Ryder asked, moving closer to my door and openings slightly

" What N-"

" Okay thanks! Bye" Ryder said cutting me off before I said no and leaving the room. I sighed And went to my phone on my side table and saw Amy's contact. So I picked up the phone


"Hello?" I answered.

Amy got right to the point "Oh good guess what?"

I rolled my eyes plopping myself back on my bed for the hundredth time "What?"

"Party!" I heard Joshes voice in the background

"Josh I was going to say it!" Amy yelled at him

I laughed shacking my head "What party?"

" We'll all got invited to Drakes party!"

"What day?" I asked

" Friday. And you going!"

I shock my head "Do I have to? Remember what happened last time!"

Amy laughed through the phone at me "Ya that was amazing, you drank so much!"

My face scrunch of the memories of last time flooding back into my head "I didn't feel good after"

Josh must have took the phone away from Amy as he spoke to me directly "Your going! And your going to let me do your hair"

"Josh give me my phone back!"

"Bye Katie!" Josh said sounding disappointed

I rolled my eyes " bye"

" Okay so your going! I already talked to everyone else and there in. Oh and I think Zeke will be there sadly"

Ugh " Ill come. But am not talking to him. He cheated on me then left and now he's back. He's so frustrating"

"Well nick did say he's a player and you weren't gonna changed his ways. But let's stop talking about him. He's a horrible person, Okay?"

"Fine. I'm already dreading the day"

"It'll going to be fine. Don't worry about it, we'll protect you" she laughed

Next there was a shattering sound in the background of our call "Amy what was that?!"

"Josh just broke a plate! I have to help him clean it up! I'll see you at school tomorrow "

"Amy I need help me! " I heard josh yelling

"Okay  be careful bye" and She hung up the phone after I said that. I sighed shutting off my phone and put it on my night stand. I guess I could take a nap and that's exactly what I did


Sorry, short chapter

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