5, Lab Partners

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Science was my next class, I got out of lunch pretty quick so I wasn't trampled by the new freshman looking for their classes because their lost and need help. Allie went in a whole different direction to get to class, she thought she could bet me, and this is why we have phones people! to text friends to know where they are. I got to lazy to go back to the messy lunch room and find her, so I texted her instead.

On Cell

Me: Hey did you get to science already?

Allie: Already there! Sorry

Me: What :| I went out of lunch before you?

Allie: I have my ways ;)

Me: I'll be there in a bit. Anyone else we know has this class?

Allie: Well Josh and Amy are in the very front of class, and miss drama's in here to which I'm not that excited about. Oh! And your dear cousin just walked in to.

First thing came to my mind when I read that...

Worst class ever.

Me: I don't want anything to so with them. Ryder would bug me to much. He's bugged me so much when we were kids

Allie: Oh probably won't be that bad. Just hurry up, I saved a seat for you by me.

Me: You sure thats the only reason. Girl you miss me to much. Lol. ;)

Allie: Ha yea right! I just saw you like a few minutes ago. Now run forest run!

Me: Oh gosh, good one. Bye

Allie: Bye

I rolled my eyes slightly and put my phone away in my back pocket of my backpack. I pushed through the crowds of people to get to where I was going, I huffed in response and I watched what's going on around me looking at the lucky and unlucky students of this stupid school and all the new people. Since the fire at the old school are schools population was once 1,000 students to 3,000. We had to add two buildings over the summer. I stoped directly in front of the science door right where my toes of my shoes hit the door. I just hoped and thought this better be a good class, and I took my anxiety ass inside.

I walked slightly until I was in the front of the room by the chalkboard that was almost broken off the wall, in some parts of the school it's very old. I walked in the middle passing the first two desks in front of me which were occupied by Josh and Amy talking up a storm about god knows what, I didn't really care to ask. They probably didn't even see me, oh and the other table was a couple making out. Like give me a break wait till after school, freaks. My face scrunched up as I pasted hearing their groans for each other. Yuck

I passed the other rows with my disgusted face plastered on me, then I saw Allie in my view on the right side in the third row, with her face already deep into her science notebook. She's pretty much a science nerd, she's really smart at this stuff, it's wouldn't surprise me if she studied science for her college major. I think she'd do great.

" Hey Allie" I skipped to her watching what she was doing and sat on the chair next to her "watcha doing?" I said putting my books on the table and my backpack on the floor giving her a smile

She still keeps her face in the book "Just studying. I think We probably have a test this week. To see what you remember from last year" she smiled

I rolled my eyes " Its the first day. You don't need to study" I said taking the book from her grasp and closing it in front of her

She turned her face and glared at me "I was reading that"

The door crept open and a woman in her late 20s can in with her dark brown pencil skirt and deep blue blouse which she wore with chunky heels, she was pretty not gonna lie. Her light blonde hair came down in waves and some of it was pulled back from her face. She seemed nice, which I liked.

" Okay class I'm your new teacher Miss Parks. If you may not know me I'm from the other school, but I'm happy to get to know you this year if you don't know who I am, and I'm glad I get to see some familiar faces. And I'm sorry I'm late to class, I had some uh. Business, yeah" Miss Parks put her black brief case on her desk and sat down.

" Class is starting so no reading" I whispered to Allie. She gave me a blank stare and faced forward before she rolled her eyes at me.

Miss Park stood up from her seat and flattened out her skirt with her hand gently. She pulled out a piece of paper with a clipboard attached to it. "You all are going to have lab partners. No buts. I pick" she said standing strong as the class groans.

We're seniors, we don't need assign seats.

" Don't be like that. It's nice you get to know people" she told us, giving us a smile

She looked down at her paper squinting a little as she reads the first name "Okay Alison Carson you partner is..." She said looking around the room

Please be me. Please be me

" Lexi Greene"

Um who's that?

" Ew no can I switch Ms Park? I don't want to be with one of the nerds!"

Ah So that's her name. I turned around look at the blonde bimbo who just called my friend a Nerd. Ok I call her that to but I kid about it, but that what she said was rude.

As if Allie read my mind "You don't have to be rude" Allie yelled at her from the back of the class room which I didn't even notice she was siting next to Ryder

" You know what, Whatever loser. Can I be with Ryder instead?" She said stroking his arm up and down as he smiled

Oh god my eyes!

" No. Sit next to Alison or go down to the principles. Your choice?"

Lexi stopped stocking his arm, and slouched in her seat "Fine I'll sit next to her" Lexi said giving up

" I'll see you later Ryder. Okay?" she whispered. She got up from her seat but she had to say one last thing deep in his ear but I couldn't hear the last part

" Yea okay, but Babe don't miss me to much" he said with a smirk and kissed her neck. Which she started to giggled. I rolled my eyes and twisted my body back to the front so I wouldn't throw up my lunch of nothing on the floor.

" Stop fooling around and get to your seat Lexi. Please, your wasting class time" Miss park said pointing to the finger to where I'm siting now

" And you." She said. Dose she know it's not right to point fingers at someone.

" Katie." I said to help her know my name

" You can sit by him"

I nodded keeping my mouth shut, and let Lexi pass me and sit by Allie while I walked to Ryder's table and sat down by him not looking at his face

Ryder raised his hand quick "Teacher can I mo-"
I knew what Ryder was about to say but I covered my hand on him mouth and whispered

" Would you rather sit by a person you don't know. And have to learn about them. Or you don't need to do anything because we already know stuff about each other, were blood related for christ sake. Which reminds me I should look for your birth certificate, there's no way in hell we are related" I said shaking me head

" Yes Ryder?" Miss Park asked

Ryder scowled at me for my commentary "Never mind"

I smirked at that

" Okay then next partners..." This is going to be a long class


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