12, Fifty shades

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The next morning I got up feeling the sun on my body, which warmed me up under the covers. I opened my eyes stretching my legs and bringing my arm up and over my head in a yawn while looking up at the posters on my ceiling, getting up from my warm covers was a hard job for me. even getting up this early for school was a struggle. I flopped out of bed peacefully until I heard a bang below me. startling me I rolled my eyes and remembered I have like 6 teenage boys in my living room.

I rolled my eyes grabbing an outfit for school. Knowing already that it's hot out I grabbed a pair of my favorite shorts and a black top pair with an oversized dark green zip-up. I finally took out my ponytail that was holding my dark hair I let it flop out into mess I later finished brushing my teeth and my hair and did my makeup. Finally hopping the boys were gone and off to school so I could do the same, I go across my room and grab my backpack off the floor taking some extra cash and putting it into my back pocket with my phone and headed down the stairs

When I finally reached the bottom stair I hear talking in the kitchen. Dear lord, I thought they left thinking to myself. I quickly rushed over to the couch throwing my backpack onto it and went into the kitchen to hopefully grab a bite a food before leaving. I swung open the door of my kitchen instantly regretting it hearing Ryder's horrible taste in music.

I stopped just as I appeared in the doorway, while everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me while the music kept on playing in the background. I rolled my eyes not sparing a glance to the boys and went to grab an apple on the counter

I rolled my eyes getting irritated with the loud music " Can you turn that shitty music off?" I said finally turning back around. I lifted my eyes off my apple up to my kitchen that was filled with boys leaning up against my counters chatting. Ryder was sitting on the island in the middle of the kitchen swinging his legs back and forth as he chuckles and turns off the music " You think anything I listen to is bad?"

I shrugged taking a bite out of my apple " Good point." I said looking around the kitchen, Ryder gave the guys a weird look. I scratched my head looking down "Sorry, didn't mean interrupt what you guys were talking about" I shrugged laughing to myself "which probably wasn't anything good"" We were talking about a Party, love" Jesse says winking at me from across the kitchen

I looked back at Ryder " You guys got invited to Drakes party?"

Ryder was about to speak before Mason jumped off the stool he was sitting on and stood up placing his hand on the island, looking at me. I looked down at his arm recognizing that he has big arm muscles " We don't know that kid, but we're friends with his brother"

I looked up back to his eyes "Joey?" Mason nodded jumping up onto the island next Ryder. I looked around me remembering that Cooper, Reese, and Jesse were all still here looking very displeased. Well, maybe not Jesse seeing that every time I looked at him he would give me a good smirk with a wink. I looked around the kitchen once more realizing now that Ace was not there. did he leave last night? did he leave this morning? all these questions popped in my head wondering why he wasn't here but I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head seeing Rae walking in reading a book with a half-eaten cheese stick in her mouth.

I smiled " Morning Raelynn"

She stopped looking up from her book and began looking around the room "Gross, What are you all still doing here?" she said taking the cheese stick out of her mouth and throwing it into the garbage which was very wasteful mitt I add.

I looked at the book she in her hands  " Rae, what the hell. Did you take my fifty shades of grey out of my room? " I said going over to her and snatching the book away from her hands.

" Hey! it was just getting to the good part!" She said trying to get the book back.

Ryder jumped off the island coming up from behind me and taking the book out of my hands "Let me see" he said looking over the page Rae was reading "Nah, im defiantly not into that shit" he said throwing the book onto the island. Rae rolled her eye marching over to the book on the isand but before reaching over to grab back it.

Mason went and snatched into his hands opening it. "Very nice" he said now passing it to Cooper who rolled his eyes and passed it to Reece who passed it Jesse "No thanks, ive seen the movies"

My mouth fell open looking at Reece "you talk?" I said blinking uncontrollably. He spoke to fast I didn't even think I heard it. Reece rolled his eyes shoving his hands in his pants pockets.

I turned back to Ryder who was standing behind me "I thought he doesn't speak?" I questioned

  "I speak when I want to" my face turned back to Recce who pushed himself off the counter. He was standing by Jesse who was still silently reading the fifty shades of grey book in his hands. Rae began walking over to him reaching out to grab the book back out of his hands but missed when he pulled it away

"oh no little Rae, girls like you shouldn't be reading books like this" he said smirking to himself

"That's nothing. I've seen Ryder's playboy" she said rolling her eyes

"Ryder!" I  said slapping him in the arm. He grabbed his arm painfully "Ow! That was not my fault! She came into my room when I was reading it" he said rubbing his arm

I glared at him, marching over to Jesse and snatching my book out of his hands hard almost shoving him over "You're hot when you mad" Jesse said smiling at me with a toothy grin

" Oh shut up." I said stuffing the book under my arm. I looked over to Rae who sulking. I rolled my eyes handing her back my book. "Don't take my stuff out of my room without asking" I said crossing my arms over my chest

Rae quickly took the book back opening back to her page she was on "Ya sure thing sis"

I laughed quickly taking out my phone and checking the time. "don't you have school to get to Rae?" I said putting the phone back into my back pocket

Rae rolled her eyes closing back the book. "Ya but I kinda don't wanna go. I have to watch a women give birth in my health class today" she said making a disgusted face while shaking her head at the thought

"Who doesn't what to see the V"  Cooper said while all the rest of the guys laughed

Ryder looked up and smiled "Ha! who doesn't?" he said giving Mason now a high five

Ma and Rae shared a disgusted looking now raising both of are hands in the air. "We definitely don't want to see that" I said rolling my eyes

" Did I ever tell you that every time you roll your eyes it turns me on" Jesse said taking a step forward to me as I took a step backward. Rae shook her next to me "Thats it. im going to school" and ran out of the kitchen leaving me alone to fend for myself

Turning my body back to Jesse I put my hands on my hips " Do you always have to be like that?" i asked seriously

"Like what ,love?" Jessie smiled

I rolled my eyes not caring "Nevermind" I said while feeling a buzz in my back pocket. Taking back out my phone I checked my texts, seeing that I had two texts from Amy. forgetting I said I was picking them up and then stuffed my phone back into my pocket for the last time

"We'll" I said grabbing back my apple off the counter "I'm off to school bye" I said quickly slapping Ryder on his shoulder and walking out the kitchen without another word.

I went back to the couch in my living room picking back up my backpack and swung it back on my shoulder. Lastly, I went over to grab my keys off the key rack and picked them up going straight to my garage opening my car door, I plopped down on my black leather seats while the door of the garage opened now thinking to myself sighing abruptly

Now I have school. Great.


Hope you liked the new update (; I'm back and I'm gonna try and get more updates for you guys and finish this book!

Hoped you enjoyed - G.L

Ps- I'm also working on my other books to. So go check them out!

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