6, Famliy time

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Once the bell rang, Ms Park just finished her rant about how this will be such a great year. I slide off my seat and crouched down to stuff my pencils and paper back in my backpack. Then I threw my bag over my left shoulder.

"Hey can we talk for a bit" I heard Ryder say behind me, my breath stiffened abruptly as I caught him eyeing me from when I crouched down to grab my stuff, when I turned back around swiftly he was still sitting on his stool.

I rolled my eyes "Fine. What?"  I placed my backpack on table in front of me, and slide back on my seat next to him. I could feel the tension as we face each other, my fingers tap aggressively on the table waiting for what he has to say

Ryder itched behind his neck sighing a little. "So. You think I can have the guys over?"


Well I didn't see that coming. I laughed, "Oh god, my house?" My eyes widened "Like Come on! You want these cliché ass ding dongs coming over?" If you knew me I really wanted to say no. But being the best cousin I'll let him have this one time.

"So is that a problem?" Ryder asked.  He took his jacket off the table and stood up. Putting it on.

I Kinda had the feeling he would keep asking until I said yes " You know what sure.  But don't you ask for anything. Got it? I'm being serious, so if you start asking for something I'm gonna-"

I was interrupted his chuckling "Would you just calm down Kate"

I frowned even more "Shut up, and don't call me Kate. Ever!" I said rolling my eyes

While my face fell, he's smile grew thinking this was funny "Well someone got her panties in a twist" Ryder's head fell back as he laughed at me again.

Yea. It was you!

As he continued to laugh I drew my eyes to the clock above the teachers desk. Which read I was late

"Damn I'm late."

" Then Ditch with me. What class you got next?"

" History I think. "

" Then ditch with me. I bet Cooper would just love to see you" My face scrunched in disgusts as the memory flooded back to me from the morning.

"What he did was nasty, like who does that?"

" Well You liked to smoke before." he shrugged as if him saying didn't bring back memories I didn't wanna think about

I shook my head "Stop bring up the past up Ryder, I'm a new person." I growled

" Well don't get all serious on me now. So you wanna hangout or nah? " Ryder asked wiggling his eye brows for a answer

Did he just say nah?

I sighed in defeat, I guess I could ditch. It's only the first day "Fine. But we are not hanging around your dumb friends." I grunted

He rolled his eyes "Fine, fine. Whatever can we just go already? Like I can't believe the teacher didn't even see in here when she left. What a bad teacher" he laughed shaking his head

I got up sliding off my seat. Standing tall. "Hey don't be rude, she probably had to do stuff" I guessed giving him a little punch in the arm.

He walked away from me rubbing his like a baby "That hurt" he said frowning

I smirk slightly "Oh Don't be a baby. Like You wouldn't want the guys to know it hurts when I punch you right. But that is kinda funny when my think about it"

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