Tag No.1

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Tagged by:  Canadian_Kpop

Real name?
Lucero :p

Lucy, Luz, Satan, Mama Bear(Kris calls me this when I go 'mom' mode).

Male or Female?

Elementary school?
I went to three. They were around the same area. WWES, JKES, & BTES(acronyms of the school names).

Middle school?
JLMS(also acronym of the school name).

High school?
WHS(another acronym)

?! Not sure yet give me ten years,to figure it out.

Favorite color(s)?
Red, blue, black.

Hair color?
...it's bleached right now. XD kind of looks like a lions mane? Lot of weird light or not light parts. Idek.

Short or tall?
Look let's not talk about height. *^* 5'1"...

Phone or camera?
Camera(I really really really like photography).

Health freak?

Oranges or apples?
Apples(specially with peanut butter XD).

Do you have a crush on someone?
Actually no. Quite surprised.

Guy friends or girl friends?
...I have both guy and girl friends??? Although guys are more laid back(what I think).

My ears are pierced.

Have you been on an airplane?
Ha ha ha ha... Ha...

No, never. I'd probably cry.

Have you been in a relationship?
Yes. I've had very.... Interesting boyfriends(girlfriends too).

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Have you ever gotten into a fist fight?
...let's not talk about that(they started it, always did).

First piercing?
Like... When is it okay for a baby to get their ears pierced? 3? 4?

Best friend?
Myself. Jk. It's EighthSquare.

First crush?
I mean I looked in the mirror toda- 2nd grade? XD the guy was a dick though like why mini Luz.

First word?
I don't know, mami? o.o

...writing fanfiction? Poems? Math? XD

Last person you talked to?
Like, physically? This new friend I made this year(Kpop fan YAS)

Last person you texted?
Tiffany(a friend).

Last person you watched a movie with?
Um... My cousin(we were watching a Korean film XD he's going to come to the dark side).

Last food you bought?
Glazed donut. I need another one soon.

Last song you listened to?
DASI RUN RUN RU- jk. Doubt by Twenty One Pilots. Btw, their new album is fire.

Smile For YonggukOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora