Tag No.14

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Tagged by: Canadian_Kpop

1. Do you know Imfact? If so, who is your bias? If not, go watch lollipop.

Don't do this to me. I have enough groups to deal with—

2. What type of phone do you have?

3. Do you like or would you prefer something else. If so, what?
I'm content with what I have, I don't really ask for much from my parents so I learn to just like whatever.

4. Do you prefer the Wattpad app or the website?
I prefer the app since I don't really use the computer anymore.

5. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
When I dreamt I met BTS.

6. What is your favourtie kind of soup?
Clam chowder?

7. Is your life hamburger?
I like cheejiburger

8. What is your favourtie kind of bread?
I like all breads

9. Sexy concept or cute concept?
Cute concept all the way :3

10. Long or short jackets?
Long jackets.

11. On a scale of Adore u to chained up how pure are you?
I am a dirty minded kid, so Chained Up+ XD

12. Cats or dogs?
I like them both🐶🐱

13. Pizza or chicken nuggets?
What kind of decision is this. I'll go with chicken nuggets, since I love ketchup.

My questions
1. Have you tried any foreign food?
2. Favorite childhood memory?
3. What do you think about physics?
4. What's your favorite cereal?
5. Funniest thing your mother has said?
6. Do you like spicy food?
7. If you could be an animal for a day, what animal would you be?
8. How would you describe your family?
9. Have you seen Degrassi?
10. What did you have for lunch?(I had orange chicken just saying)
11. What is something you're excited about?
12. Five words/phrases that make you laugh?
13. What is your favorite song(at the moment)?

Who ever wants to answer can answer :P

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