Tag No. 10 (UB Tag)

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What's an ultimate bias????

Tagged by Canadian_Kpop

I have no ultimate bias.

Enjoy your day!

I'm obviously f—ing around. You know who my ultimate bias is?
This little f—.

I f—ing love Yoongi in black hair like that is my life right there I don't even know it just is I don't even have an explanation for it I just love him in black hair

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I f—ing love Yoongi in black hair like that is my life right there I don't even know it just is I don't even have an explanation for it I just love him in black hair. I am honestly so done with the s— he does so if I come off aggressive af...
(I naturally have an aggressive personality so...)

1. Who is your ultimate kpop bias? Name some qualities you admire.

SUGA A.K.A Augus D(is my second name~) *no cypher jam control yourself* A.K.A. Min Yoongi.

I hate all his qualities. 0 out of 10, don't recommend. He fell asleep on my bed.

No one touches my bed.

If I name some qualities, you're going to get a list. It's the truth.

2. List your bias wreckers or other biases.

Okay I'm going to make a 'my biases' chapter, it'll be up Monday. Only because I listen to too many groups. But Wonwoo is my seventeen bias, I don't have a bias wrecker for that group(I'm not kidding). For SHINee, my bias is Key(Jonghyun is the bias wrecker). I'll name the rest later. :)

3. If you were stuck in an elevator with your UB, what would you do?

Punch him in the face- Kidding. I'd probably face the corner and wait till he leaves. I'd regret it, but I just wouldn't even be able to look at him. He's also taller than me, I don't like being around tall people. XD I'd probably make a crying sound or something when he leaves.

But if I did have the courage, kidding. I'd probably fake cry or something so he can talk to me first. XDD(antisocial af)

4. What is one thing you would say to your UB if you ever got the chance to meet them?

I'd probably tell him that if Namjoon were to rap for a crowd in the street(I doubt this would happen, but you know, just a scenario)that I'd prefer to hear him rap instead. I've seen that people favor Namjoon over Yoongi and Hobi so... *do you people even realize my friends(I'm looking at you kid(EighthSquare)and brother use Yoongi against me*

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