Tag No.17

15 2 6

Tagged by: Canadian_Kpop

Write down a bias list of your favourtie groups, one to ten. Can be girls or boys. Answer 13 Q's, make some for others.

1. Wonwoo(Seventeen)
2. Junhong(B.A.P)
3. Yoongi(BTS)
4. Wonshik(VIXX)
5. Yugyeom(GOT7)
6. P.O.(Block B)
7. Jonghyun(CNBLUE)
8. Jonghyun(SHINee)
9. Byunghun(Teen Top)
10. Kiseop(U-Kiss)

1. Do you call your bias your husband or child?
They are my husband-child.

2. Would you rather be warm or cold?

3. How do you feel about Jicheol? (I'm starting to ship it a lot)

4. Water or juice?

5. Do you like wearing dresses and skirts?
I'm really tomboyish so I only wear dresses when I have to.

6. How do you feel about donuts?
I love donuts🍩

7. Do you wear makeup?
Only when I have to.

8. If you don't know what it is, what do you think potine is?
Something toxic???

9. Have you ever been on an island?
No. I'd be terrified.

10. White bread or whole wheat bread?
Whole wheat bread.

11. Do you think you're more cute or sexy?
I think I'm a potato.

12. Have you ever had a surgery?

13. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes, I dye it whenever I can(it's sort of pink at the moment). After this fades out, I'm probably going to use up this yellow dye I have and just let it be. I'm basically going to back to whatever my original hair color was after I finish all the dyes I have. *^*

My questions
[questions from the Internet not mine XD]

1. What did you do for your latest birthday?
2. Who is your hero?
3. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
4. Ever donated your blood? If you haven't, do you want to?
5. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
6. If you could bring any person back to life, who would it be?
7. When was the last time you ran/went for a jog?
8. If you join the circus, what would you perform?
9. If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose?
10. Who are some people you'd like to meet someday?
11. What's one of the scariest things you've ever done?
12. Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?
13. Do you cry easily?

Any can answer~

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