Tag No.4

54 5 6

Tagged by: wannabetrash

You have to write 13 facts about yourself.

You have to answer to the 13 questions the person, who tagged you asked.

You have to make up 13 questions.

You have to tag 13 people.

Make a unique title for it.

You have to make it in a week or the creator will decide your punishment(you can message me).

13 facts about me

• Mochi is my new favorite dessert *u*

• I love sociology & psychology

• I procrastinate... A lot(I'm really sorry)

• I treat my sister(3 yrs)like my own child

• I'm terrified of ladybugs

• Also terrified of caterpillars

• ...and butterflies

• I'm most likely bat shit crazy

• I don't like dressing up(wearing dresses, looking nice, etc)

• My shoe size is 6(?)

• I hate most of the people in my sociology class

• I love bats(as in the animal)

• I love photography
(Boring I know)

13 questions for me

1. Why did you start listening to kpop?
It was just... Really different from American music. Like, really different.

2. If you could be an idol for a day, who would you want to be?
...I don't even know what I want for lunch fuck you think I know? XD I'm kiding I'm not trying to be mean :> um... Maybe Yong Hwa? Yong Guk?

3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Ah... I don't really know. Maybe not.

4. Where are you from?
Chicago, Illinois(near Chicago that is... :>)

5. How many languages can you speak?
Two right now.

6. Are you more girly or tomboyish?
Defiantly gir- no. Tomboy. Very, very tomboy.

7. What's your favourite animal?
It's between a lion and wolf.

8. Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can't sing, but I still do it anyways XD. I used to play the flute.

9. Where would you want to travel?
Oh my god... There's so many places. Like, so many. But here's a list, no particular order.

- Romania
- Greece
- Paris(Catacombs)
- South Korea
- Japan(I need to try that mochi)

10. Why did you start writing to Wattpad?
I don't know... I really don't know how I found this place.

11. Would be your life different if you wouldn't listen to kpop?
Oh, definitely.

12. Top 5 bias list? Yeah I know, very original but I just have to.

1. Splenda(BTS)
2. Wonwoo(Seventeen)
3. Junhong(B.A.P)
4. Wonshik(VIXX)
5. Jonghyun(CNBLUE)

13. If you were an idol, would you be the vocal, the rapper, the dancer, the visual or the leader?
I think I'd be the leader. Definitely not visual, or vocal... Dancer? I don't think so. Rapper? I don't know.

13 questions for you

1. Day or night?
2. Have you seen any animes?
3. Watched any kdramas?
4. Read any mangas?
5. Favorite Disney movie?
6. Favorite Disney character?
7. Favorite old Disney channel series(That's So Raven, Kim Possible, etc)?
8. Most disturbing thing you've seen?
9. Favorite singer?
10. Main ship and why do you ship them?
11. Do you like coffee?(XD I love coffee)
12. Sweet or salty foods?
13. Favorite comic book heroes?

Yeah yeah I know they were boring ass questions I can't think much sorry.

People I Tag


I started following whoever I reply to on any of my stories, I'll probably follow more people soon XD.

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