
18 2 13

Tagged by Canadian_Kpop


1. You must post all the rules.

2. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

3. You cannot refuse.

4. You have you do this within a week or the person who nominated you will punish you.

5. Must be done in one of your books not comments.

6. You must tag 15 people to do it as well.

7. You must come up with a creative title.


1. I'm allergic to shrimp(ㅠㅠ).

2. I had to do this fake interview and I introduced myself in Korean(embarrassed af).

3. I might take pre calculus next year(a substitute teacher was practically praising me today asking why I was in a lower level math class when I was finishing the problems so quickly...).

4. Random strangers constantly ask if my sister is my kid(she's turning 4 soon).

5. I prefer my dad over my mom.

6. I'm sick right now(stupid weather is making it worse).

7. I told my dad that I wish Bang Yong Guk was my actual father(maybe in another life it'll happen).

8. My 'nightmares' are bat sh— crazy.

9. I don't like my mom's parents.

10. I don't like many people in general so if I'm nice(or play around)with you, it's a really good sign.

11. If I fail in becoming a psychiatrist, I plan on opening a bakery, flower shop, or coffee shop.

12. I'm considering taking boxing lessons.

13. I own a coloring book that is like 288 pages of fun.


Bonus fact #1: I like Augus D a little too much...

Bonus fact #2: 'Love Is' and 'Pianos & An Admirer' might start getting updated soon...

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