School, Story Updates

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Half of my junior year is already over, now it's time to finish up the other half of it with some new classes. It's kind of weird, knowing I'll be a senior next year when I feel like I'm still in middle school...

My English teacher is kind of scary, well not really. He talks in a very soft, low voice. Somehow it freaks me out. XD He's also a hard grader which means I have to make sure not to fall behind.

Now my sociology teacher... She reminds me of me. XD when I get excited about Kpop and whatnot. She talks really fast and acts like an excited fangirl like woah.

Story updates

I haven't really been updating CS as much as I have with P&AA. LI certainly is being updated more than those two combined. Maybe I'll cut down the amount of updates? 

I'm not sure, but I'm staring to rethink what days I update and how many times I update. Also everything will start getting busy since we have this test coming up that will determine all these things...

I'll try to catch up on all the updates I missed and have them up before the week ends(maybe Saturday?) I already have alarms set up for me to update stories. XD

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