;-;, SMTM5, book & summer

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So I updated P&AA but I didn't update LI and I'm a horrible person honestly I said I was ready but apparently I was lazy af to even work on a chapter—
Hate me so my guilt isn't for nothing. *^*
So since my dumb ass didn't update this week, I'm going to work on 3-4 new chapters for LI to make up for this one that I let pass.


Do any of you watch SMTM5??? Cause man do I have a lot of shiT TO SAY.

First of all, No Jay Park, No Verbal Jint, No Tablo = No Life.
I really like these three judges and I was just sad to see that they wouldn't be participating this season. But it's all good because I got to know the existence of Simon Dominic. Can I just say he is fucking fine. I'm usually not someone who likes deep voices but maN I AM ALL OVER THE PLACE FOR HIS. This is basically me thirstying over him and he's like twice my age(WHY IS HE 32?!!!?!).
He's unhealthy.

Second, the teams this season are wow. Illionaire of course is still there(I love Dok2 and the quiett). Simon and Gray from AOMG(do any of you find him attractive cause I honestly don't see what's so handsome about him but eh). Kush and Zion.T for YG. Then Gil & Mad Clown. Tbh my favorite teams so far are Illionaire(honestly how can you not like them...), AOMG(because I love AOMG like they produce some 🔥🔥🔥🔥), and Gil & Mad Clown. I'm not feeling Kush and Zion.T.

Third, I was glad to see that Sangsoo, Chulgoo, and Taewoon came back this season.
Sangsoo: can I just say that the love Kush and him have is insane😂. I was crying.
Chulgoo: okay I love seeing freestyle but what is with him this season??? He decided to prepare raps rather than freestyle and ;-;. I don't know I'll have to see how everything goes from now on.
Taewoon: I was against him coming back because of the things netizens said to him last season, but I just let it be since it is his decision to do so.

Fourth, the shit that the other rappers would say about Taewoon... I was ready to fight. I was angry to see all these rappers dissing him when he got an all pass the second round of eliminations. Did they not hear what the judges said? They passed him because he improved from last season! Are they deaf?!😤 then they had to rap during a cypher and the comments... He had forgotten his lyrics so he reused the ones from the first episode. There were comments saying it was shit or something involving shit and everyone was saying "woah that's harsh". But then one rapper said "they were all responding with 'woah's when in reality they were probably the ones who wrote it." Some of them call themselves real but it's not real if they act so fake when it happens. Another guy, Reddy, messed up three times but he got responses like "you did well" "don't be so down" like ??? A girl even admitted to giving him a good comment because he was her type😷. After this cypher there was a 1 v 1 and Taewoon was going up against myunDo. His rap for the 2nd round was good but the raps he did for the 1 v 1 was eh(to me). Maybe it's because I want to defend Taewoon but I don't know his raps didn't make me sway. They tied and ended up having to rap 3 times. By the third time, Taewoon was tired and he didn't prepare enough raps so when they went back he just seemed to give up. ;-; I'm just hoping there aren't any hateful ass comments from netizens about him cause I swear...

Fifth, I'm feeling bad for One since he's always getting comments on his looks but not his raps like... How is he suppose to grow as a rapper...

Lastly(I could go on but I'll end it here so it's on a good note), #Gun iS ON THE SHOW LIKE??? My friend and I were freaking out because we thought it was him but we were dismissing it because we thought we were like, just super upset that he didn't make it into Monsta X. I love those babies don't get me wrong but I just wanted #Gun to get in too. But once we continued to watch we realized it was him and we full out fangirled. Only thing is that he doesn't get screen time which pisses us off but at least we can see he is well. *^*(also him and Mino's relationship is adorable😭💕).


So I have to read a summer reading book and we got to choose which one we wanted. So I chose A Work In Progress by Connor Franta. I still haven't started it but I'm excited to read it because Connor is one of my favorite youtubers(I rarely watch any youtubers because some of them are...). So yeah.


I have way too much time on my hands like I have no friends no life nothing. I'm home 24/7 like... I hate school and everything but when summer comes I want to be in school. *^* I hate myself. The only fun thing so far is that I dyed my hair. .-. Entertain me. Jk.

So yeah that's about it for this 'update'. I'll start working on those chapters.

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