Jerky Ex 2

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I'll be back for her.

Jared's voice rings in your head as you walk into the halls of your school. You still can't believe he did all that to you. You've learned from the past, when he doesn't get what he want he's a different person.

Another thing you're thinking of is Robbie. You also can't believe he did all of that for you. You've never seen him get so mad. He actually punched someone. For you.

You wanna see him again.

You see Jared at his locker talking to his friends and some girls. They've got the tiniest shorts on and the fakest hair you've ever seen. You quickly pull your hoody up and walk away as fast as you can before he notices you.

You then see Robbie at his locker. You look back and see Jared's still occupied and go up to Robbie. He's fiddling with his lock.

"Hey." You say, a little awkwardly.

"Oh, hey." He says back, but even more awkwardly. His accent is still cracking.

"So, you still sick?"

"Ha, I guess."

There was an awkward silence.

"So is your ex still bothering you?"

"He hasn't talked to me since the park. And he's over there with some friends and some fake girls."

You both look back at him, and this time you see a huge black and blue bruise on the side of his face. You look back at Robbie and you both start laughing. You both laugh so hard that Jared can hear you.

He quickly turns around storms toward you, completely changing his mood. You don't notice him until you see the change on Robbie's face and then a heavy and strong hand push you back.

"What do you want?" Robbie says, strong and obviously angry.


The next thing you see is Jared taking a huge fist and slamming it into Robbie's face. Robbie stumbles back bit. You run towards him, wanting to see if he's okay, but you're stopped by the last laugh you wanted to hear at the moment. It was Jared's.

He starts walking away, but then you stop him in his tracks.

"You jerk!" You could've said stronger words, but right now you could see the principal running down the hall.

"You wonder why I won't come back to you! This is why! You're a huge, selfish, rich snob! You always get what you want! But when you found out that wasn't the case with me, you got angry!" You're breathing heavy now, barely able to contain your anger.

"Y/N, I..." He starts talking, but then someone cuts him off.

"You three! My office! Now!" It's the principal.

You see Jared roll his eyes and mumble something under his breath. You glance back at Robbie, and he's moving, too. You hang your head low and walk with them. It's not because of the principal. It's because of what you've caused.

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now