Chapter 1: The Beginning of a New Life

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*This is a picture of Blue who's full name is Blueberry Pie*

Special thanks to youg0glencoco for the cover and @AJtheBookworm101

Jay's Perspective

"Mom, where's Blue?" I yelled from my room.

We had moved to Florida about a week ago and I was determined to start afresh, but not without my best friend.

"Jay, you're 16 years old! You don't need that silly little teddy bear anymore," mom said with humorously.

That thought alone was like a slap in the face, I stared at her blankly not believing she could say such atrocious things! "That bear—my best friend— has been through EVERYTHING with me and I am never ever going to give him up!"

She outright laughed. "It's in the garage with the rest of your boxes. You better finish unpacking today," She reprimanded.

I grimaced, "Yes mother."

She laughed again and walked back into the kitchen while I headed to the garage. I grabbed Blue and a few boxes, then headed to my room. Boxes and clothes covered the floor and furniture. The mess had steadily grown over the past few days and desperately needed a deep scour. Groaning at the sight, I put some motivational music on, and got started. Stacking boxes and unstacking boxes, arranging objects to aesthetically please me, and putting things away until the sun went down. By that time, I had only gotten through half of the boxes.

Who knew unpacking would be so much work?

I sat down and began to look through all my music. I had rock, rap, hip hop, Rnb, Jazz, Blues, techno, alternative and even classical. I was a music fanatic. Any type of music sounds amazing to my ears, however, there is one type of music I hate with a passion: Country. I hate country music, with their nasty voices twanging, it's just awful. Finally, I found a good playlist and laid down exhausted on my now clean, bed.

Right when I started to drift off to sleep, I heard a loud bang in the other room. I got up to figure out what the hell it was. Surprisingly, by that I mean I wasn't surprised at all, it came from my imbecile of a brother.

Stalking into his room, I yelled, "Yo! Don! Can you please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep!"

I love my brother, don't get me wrong. He has helped me through a lot of things over the years such as my dad disappearing. So we we're actually very close but that doesn't mean I have to like him all the time.

When I walked into the room I was surprised, once again not at all, his best friend Ty who had recently moved to Florida as well said, "Damn! Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look when you're pissed?"

Ty and my brother have been best friends since birth, literally. They were born on the same day, at the exact same time. Ty's mom and mine met when they went to take the babies home. There was a huge dispute because the doctors ended up giving the wrong baby to the wrong family and now, 17 years later, they still act like they're babies. Ty's practically family and lives most of his life at our house when my brother isn't living at his. Unfortunately, Ty's made it his life's mission to flirt with me just to piss me off. For some reason, no matter how much I get used to it, the teasing still gets on my nerves.

"No, you dickhead. Has anyone ever told you how fun it would be for me to kick you're a..."

"Kids come down for dinner! Haven't I told you there is no cursing in my house or I'll whip all your asses!" mom bellowed from the kitchen.

Hustling downstairs we mumbled 'Yes ma'ams', afraid to face my mom's monstrous wrath. She is usually a very chill person that everyone gets along with, that's unless you piss her off. The poor waitress at the restaurant got to feel that wrath yesterday after she got our orders wrong three times.

When we got to the table, all different types of food laid out like a restaurant buffet. There was: Cornbread, greens, chicken, mashed potato, mac and cheese and my mom's famous peach cobbler waiting for us. Most kids would be ecstatic to this feast laid out but I was scared shi... I mean poop less. My mom would only make this much food and have us eat around the table when we were trying to impress company. Everyone sat down, cautious of everything around us while the food was loaded on our plates. All of us secretly wondering if mom had finally lost it and was trying to kill us. My little sister Zelena, who we called Lena, walked in looking even more confused than the rest of us.

"What's wrong bumble-bee?" Mom asked warily.

"Where is daddy going to sit?" She asked, genuinely wondering what happened to the 6th chair.

Everyone, including Ty, looked down at their plates with less of an appetite than before. My dad left when Lena was just 7 years old, promising to come back. She's 11 now and still believes the pathetic excuses my mom tells for him. Somehow, I'm not surprised she still hangs onto the lies because she has always been one of those kids who gets really – attached. Out of three of us, my father and I were the closest, but it was the hardest for her to let go. The man, literally, just disappeared off of the face of the earth; why should mom have to cover for him? No one has heard from him since and I don't think we ever will.

"Daddy went to paradise, remember? He won't be back for a very long time. Now come and eat your food," Mom said her voice wavering slightly but trying to sound reassuring for Zena's sake.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat quietly and ate our food. The silence causing the tension in the room to grow by the second, and I was still curious about the food. Clearing my throat I asked, "So what's all this about?"

Mom looked up at me, silently thanking me with her eyes, "It's to celebrate you, we only have special dinners on special nights."

"But mom I've done nothing, there is nothing special about me."

"Oh, but you have. Drum rolls please," She said dramatically while everyone started the drum roll, "You got accepted into Blackwell!"

I sat there: astonished, awestruck, excited, confused to say the least – I was speechless. I loved Blackwell! When I first found out about moving here, I researched all the schools in the neighborhood. Blackwell was the first school I saw and I knew instantly I had to go there. I have always cared about my education and Blackwell had an amazing academic program, additionally their sports stats were through the roof. It was almost like the school was perfect for me. They only select certain students for their personal criteria and I was one of them!

"JJ breathes," Don said while laughing.

"Maybe I should give her mouth to mouth," Tyler said suggestively while licking his lips.

After that, it was all a blur. I faintly remember screaming, a little crying and dancing. The night went on like this for hours, until Ty and my brother left for Ty's house and the rest of us went to bed.

Smiling to myself, I fell asleep knowing deep inside that this will be a year like no other, and I couldn't wait to start it.

That night I dreamt of a field full of beautiful roses, animals and aspects of the world all coming together as one, not knowing it was a lot more than just a pretty picture.


Authors note:

Hey, everybody. This is my first time writing on here so sorry if it's horrible.

Please comment if you have suggestions or there's the typo or just want to give some tips.

Special thanks to IryshLily for editing!

Thanks :)


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