Chapter 6:........

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Daymien's POV

She looked even more beautiful than when I first saw her. Her new tattoos complimented her body perfectly. Her eyes sparkled and I couldn't look away. Once our eyes locked I felt the pull of her heart on mine as was mine on hers. I couldn't handle having space between us. These 10-20ft that stood between us was too much space. The emotions intensified. My wish finally came true and she was right in front of me. I only wanted, no NEEDED one thing. To taste her lips one mine. Next thing I knew she was clutching onto me and kissing me with so much passion I couldn't do anything else but the same. I wanted to hang on to her and never let go. I felt her being pulled away and almost lost my cool. I finally got her, I was not going to let her slip out of my grasps.

Nothing, not even the fact I'm a thorn will take her away from me ever. They pried me off of her and I was furious. I turned on the person who was holding onto me and shifted into a Draker, the most ferocious creatures known to man. When the redness finally cleared from my vision I noticed I was beating a tree. I shifted back into my human form as did the tree. I stared at Tommy with apologetic but angry eyes. He gave me a soft look which let me know he understood. When I turned around to find out where Jay had gone I saw her sprint off at amazing speed. I followed suit until I couldn't run anymore.

"Give her some time she hurt me really bad.....almost killed me. She's really scared and she needs to think," I heard Claire say in my head.

With that, I broke down and cried. There were too many emotions. I got her and she was gone and I can't go to find her. What am I supposed to do?

Claire's POV


Excruciating pain is all I could feel crunching around my body. I knew she would retaliate if we separated them. I knew I shouldn't have done it.


It flowed over me as if I was laying in a stream. I knew she was healing me but all I could think about were the things that were flowing off of her. It was all about how great of a friend I was and how grateful she was for me making her feel loved in a place she didn't know. All she wanted was for me to be healed. I used all my strength to give her that wish.

When I came to all I wanted to do was assure her I was okay. I grabbed her and said I Love you meaning every single word. She grasped me in the most loving hug I ever had and I cried a little from the relief of being ok. Once she let go she ran.

I felt like this was my fault. We should've just called her mate he would get through to her without the backlash. When I saw Daymien run too I tried to reach the both of them through a mind link. I never reached Jay but Daymien stopped.

I will fix this. I will make it right.

Mr. C's POV

I could feel her proudness after the awakening of her powers. I was so overwhelmed because of my emotions and she didn't know how to block hers so I got them too. Then suddenly there was a burst of Love. The only way she could have those emotions is if she found her partner.

I was ecstatic. She had the chance to meet the person she was meant to spend her life with moments after starting her life. WAIT. This is bad! She is the most powerful being that I know of and I forgot to mention what that pull gulls like and how you are supposed to handle it. I got the feeling something really bad was going down. I ran out of my classroom to locate her which would be easy if she wasn't trying to focus everything on whoever she was locking lips with. While I was running I saw Monica running down the hall.

"Monica where's Jay she just..."

"You're her mate good we need to go. They are trying to separate them before things go too far or someone shifts," she looked distant for a moment, "OHMYGOD she's attacking Claire. Run faster before she kills her!"

I shifted into cat form and ran as fast as any cat or human could go. I reached the group and saw that Jay had lost control. She was wrapping Claire in thrones and choking her while breaking and tearing her body into pieces. I put my hand on her shoulder cautiously and calmed her down. After she healed Claire she talked through our bond and said two words 'I can't', and ran.

She needed space and time. I left my bond open so she could stay with me even while she went away. It was all I felt I could do.

Mom's POV

I felt it in my soul. My baby knows about her powers. As guilty as I felt I knew I couldn't tell her without giving the whole story. If that makes me a bad mother so be it. It's for her own good. Way too many emotions were flowing through me from her at once. Next thing I knew she was gone. I cried thinking she was dead. That was the only explanation for the bond to die down to where I can't even feel her. The phone rang and said her school was calling. They explained the situation and told me she had run off. What if they find her? Is she not prepared? I need to save her before......

"Hello, Jamie. I told you I would only call in emergencies and this is one. Jay ran off after a major power surge I need your men to find and protect her till she is ready."

"Shit. Ok, they are going right now. I will report daily but this will cost," he said

"Whatever it takes."

Jay's POV

Only two things were on my mind, Daymien and Claire. I do not understand what came over me but the power was so strong it hurt. When I......hurt Claire I didn't know what I was doing and to who. All I felt was that someone was taking me away from what's mine and they needed to pay. I don't want to be around any of them right now.

They will think I'm a monster....and I am.

I ran as far away from them as I could get and let the wolf inside me take over. She leads me to a cave where I lay down and slept. I stayed in that cave for two weeks trying to harness my powers. When I felt it was safe enough, I called the only person I felt would understand what was going on.

"Hey, Daymien it's Jay. I'm alright, I needed some time alone. I need you, though. Please, when you get a chance text me and I will come to you. Tell everyone I love them. Bye"

Bloom {Book 1 of the Rose series}(Watty's 2016)Where stories live. Discover now