Chapter 11: The Date

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 I was so excited for this date. After I got passed all my mom and sisters mocking, teasing and cooing, I got in my car and left to her house. Once I pulled up into her driveway and began the journey to her front door, all the nerves hit.

Her mom let me in and I sat on the couch waiting. What if she knew about our kinds rivalry? What if she breaks up with me because of all the stuff that is going on? What if I stink? What if I choke on food and vomit on her? What if she doesn't like the date? What if she thinks I eat like a pig? Oh no, I do eat like a pig. Why in the hell did I not just take her to a fancy restaurant? Why............

All my inner blabbering stops once she walked down the steps. She was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen in my entire lifetime. The only question left in my head now was: How did I get so lucky?

"Are you going to sit there and stare? I don't mind the attention but I'm kinda hungry," she said chuckling once she reached me.

Because I didn't know what else to do I did what I do best, pretend it doesn't affect me. "Didn't you eat Kam's and your lunch today?"

"Yes, but that was lunch time," she said matter-of-factly. Did I ever mention how much I love her voice?

As I walked her to my car I silently prayed 'Please Lord don't let me mess this up!'. The first 5 minutes of the ride were excruciatingly quiet. All Jay did was look around at everything in the car, then she looked out the window as I continued to drive. It was all too much for me, I thought I was developing some form of an anxiety disorder.

"Sooooo as pretty as outside is this silence is killing me. Where are we going?" she asked.

This is why I love her, she completes me.

"That is a surprise which means you won't know until we get there," I said smiling.

"But you passed all the restaurants and the movies already." she said looking very confused.

"Who said anything about going to a restaurant?" I said, very pleased with myself.

"Fine Mr. Man. I have a few questions, though"

"And what would that be?"

"Well first off, I know we are uh....Lifemates but are we dating?"

"YES," I cleared my throat. "yes we are. Why did you think we weren't?"

"Well you never officially asked me out, and I didn't want to assume."



"Will you go out with me?"


It took me a moment to process this. This is not how this went down in my head a second ago. All she said was sure. I love the girl but who does that.

"Did you just say sure?"

A slightly amused smile crept its way onto her face, "Yes, yes I did. Wow! Here's my other question, what's up with you and Steller?

I cursed under my breath, "Steller is absolutely nothing. We dated a few years back and.....I couldn't handle her attitude and the way she treats people anymore. We dated for two years on and because of so many things that were going on, all because of her, we broke up. Finally, this year I decided I'm tired of her mess and I cut her off completely. What, she isn't bothering you, is she?"

"Don't worry about it I was just asking."

We had finally reached the spot I wanted to take her. It was a small forest at the edge of our town that had a beautiful clearing that I always went to when I needed to clear my head. It was surrounded by trees and it gave you a perfect view of the sky. I couldn't wait to share it with her. I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the blindfold.

Bloom {Book 1 of the Rose series}(Watty's 2016)Where stories live. Discover now