Chapter 4

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           Light of day rested on my eyelids but they remained close, I spent a while in that in between space of awake and sleep. Once my eyes were open there wouldn't be any turning back, I'd have to face the day with everything that came with it. Eventually I peeled my eyelids and took in a deep breath before sitting up.

In the distance I could hear the echoes of my classmates going through the halls. Part of me wanted to be with them but something else told me that it was better to be asleep or to ignore the world, I didn't know what to do but then remembered that I was supposed to talk to some kind of wizard shrink this morning.

Wanting to be properly dressed, I scooped my clothes from yesterday and scurried off to the bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom, Madam Pomfrey and a short wide fellow with dark purple robes and a pointed hat stood at my vacant bed. Madam Pomfrey took notice of me and smiled a little bit.

"Ah there you are miss Evans, this is Mr. Pinagree, Mr. Pinagree this is miss Raven Evans." Mr Pinagree bowed his head a little, so that his hat wouldn't move from the top of his head.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Evans, would it be alright if we spoke in private for a bit?" he asked, his voice a lot deeper than what I would have expected to come out of him. Nodding I moved past Madam Pomfrey and went around Mr. Pinagree and sat on top of my bed, with my legs hanging over the side.

"Now, Miss Evans, would it be alright if I called you Raven?" he asked. I nodded, he smiled and pulled out a notepad and a quill.

"Madam Pomfrey told me about the news of your grandparents and I am so sorry that it happened. It must have been pretty devastating for you?" he asked. I nodded, he smirked at me. "Now Raven, this will go better if you talk to me. I understand that talking to a stranger about something so personal is a little intimidating but it'll help me understand you better, alright?" his voice had a soothing tone to it. He spoke to me like I was scared animal he had been trying to coax out of hiding.

"Alright," I muttered.

Mr. Pinagree and I spoke about my grandparents, how it felt to live with them, how it felt to lose them. He asked about my "support system" and whether or not they could be relied upon. We talked about my father, I told him who he was because I knew it wasn't going to affect him in anyway. He offered some advice and funnily enough, I felt better afterwards.

When we were done, he excused himself and spoke with Madam Pomfrey. It had just been a few moments that Mr. Pinagree had left that Grace had come in with Isla on her tail.

"Raven! I am so sorry that we didn't come earlier, I was so worried about you! How are you?" Grace asked desperately. I nodded.

"I'm a little bit better today, thanks. How are you two? What have I missed?" I asked. They both glanced at one another, debating on whether or not they were going to say something. "What?" I probed.

"Well you haven't missed much because you've... been the talk of school. I've been hearing people call you Moaning Myrtle's replacement," Isla commented. My face remained stoic as my heart heaved a sigh.

"Well that's just great so long as no one starts taunting me, we'll be fine," I responded coolly. Both girls glanced at one another again, as if shocked by my response.

"Do you have my homework, Grace?" I asked. She blinked a few times before nodding and getting them out of her backpack.

"Well Miss Evans it seems to Mr. Pinagree that you are good to go back to your dormitory but take it easy for today. Tomorrow you may resume your classes," she ordered. I gave her a small smile of appreciation then hopped off the bed.

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey." Walking in between two of my good friends I walked back to Hufflepuff. Trying to manage the sadness I still felt. I knew that it wouldn't go away for a long time but I couldn't let my grades fail plus with friends like mine, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I was back to my old self.

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