chapter 18- Skinnny Love

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So you guys we all commenting ALOT of different stuff. about how you cried, and his you were happy I updated...and how my grammar was bad. yes it is but I am writing on my phone and kindle to make sure you guys get your new chapter by its due date so it can be am update every month with perfection....or updated every week week with a few minor mistakes! But as you know Nialls parents finally made an appearance so....SHITS ABOUT TO GO BE DOWN!

Liams pov~

I felt my fist clench as I watched the two adults stand in front of me, obvious that they didn't know who I was. "Mr, Misses Horan...." I addressed them with clenched teeth, trying not to explode at them.

"Oh, are you an.....well do you know Niall?" Nialls mother asked, her eyes showing no interest, no sadness that her son almost got killed.

"I'm his boyfriend....." I growled back at them, feeling my chest rise and fall in pure fury.

"ugh another one..." Nialls father scoffed as he looked at his wife. I took a deep breath, knowing that the officer was watching me, and said grabbing both of their hands "can I speak to you in the stair well?"

I didn't let them answer before I dragged them into the grey, paint fumed stair case.

"Don't touch me I don't want to get AIDs..." Niall's mom said as she took out a pink hand sanitizer from her purse. I got furious, so mad the room got a bit black.

"FUCK YOUR GOD DAMM HANDS YOU FUCKING BITCH." I roared at her as I snatched the bottle from her hands, squeezing it so hard the liquid exploded from it, oozing down my hands.

She gasped as Niall's father said "Dont talk to my wife like that o-"

"Or what? you'll fucking kick me out too? Your nothing but a fucking monster" I growled at him with a twitched lip. "Your lucky I don't fucking bash your God damm skulls in for hurting that boy, what are you doing here? huh?"

Niall's mom had a shocked look on her face, while her husband stood a bit in front of her "the police drove us over here...we had no choice but to come."

"Yeah? well you do now, get out." I said pointing to the stair case.

"why should we leave he's our son?" Niall's mother asked.

That's when I lost it, I didn't think anymore i just imploded. "you fucking kicked Niall out because he's gay you stupid cunt that's what, he almost died out their he got rapped, jumped, and beaten nearly to death All because you fucking monsters! He's perfect and your just filthy scum who I really want to rip apart."

They showed no sign of sorrow, guilt, or pain from my words, meanwhile I twitched in anger.

"Well that's his fault for being ga-" Nialls father began to say. I couldn't hold it in, as he spoke I slammed my fist into the side of his jaw causing him to fall to the floor. I shot Nialls mom a glare and said "Get out before I fucking kill you"

"Is that a threat? I'll tell the cops and they'll have you arrested!" Nialls mom exclaimed as she backed up to the wall, Nialls dad getting up, holding his cheek.

"no, it's a FUCKING promise" I snarled back "and I'll tell the Cops about what you did and not only will they take your house away for being unsafe for a minor they will also lock you up for negligence, hate crime, and you'll have to deal with me being in jail with you for fucking beating you to a God damm pulp!" I screamed, lungs hurting as I punched the wall next to Nialls moms face, causing her to yell.

"But....but who will take him out he needs a parent's consen-" Nialls dad began, clearly afraid of me, now with a red, swelling chin.

"he's eighteen.......he can legally get out by himself......Now for the last time." I grabbed Nialls mom purse, literally flinging it down the middle of the poles of the stair case, watching it land towards the bottom. I pushed Nialls mom towards the stairs as he she quickly walked down.

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