Chapter 1: The Beauty in the Bully

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~Liam’s pov~


   It’s convenient, seeing the small blond boy next to us in the alley. Seeing him made me feel something rise in my throat, and it wasn’t something nasty like todays lunch. Everyone in the school gives him a hard time, and i know i give him a harder time than anyone else, but i like to think of it like this; Most famous teachers or artists were all bullied, maybe one day he will grow up and thank me for giving him such thick skin.


   A couple of days ago I found out that my sister was being bullied. That every day she was being tormented by a group of girls, in fact she has been getting bullied for over a year. No one in my family knew that she was being bullied into it was brought to attention. It made me start to get that feeling i have currently, the one thats in the back of my throat, making me swallow over and over again hoping it’s something in my actual body; that i'm not swallowing my guilt.


   Last week my sister was jumped….Kind of in the way me and the boy’s would jump the blonde.


   She was beaten up behind school and had wound up in the hospital with multiple cuts and a fractured skull. Her skull was fractured because she was pushed down the stairs. I still don't understand how they found so many cut’s on her arm’s and thigh’s, those girls must have cut her themselves.


   I remember when we did that to Niall. His face as he fell down the stairs will scar me forever.


   I told the boy’s about what had happened to my sister, and tried to get them to understand that maybe, we were hurting Niall the way we my sister is hurting. . We were the ''bad boys'' of the school, and we've been too bad. I can’t live with myself knowing that I’m doing what those girls did to my sister.


    I  just can’t believe that Niall is going through what my sister did, I never realized how much it affected him...I didn’t realized how much damage some taunts can make on someone....


 We were all talking about Niall, and how we needed to stop picking on him.


 "I.....I honestly think that we need to stop" Zayn said.


 All of the boys nodded, and from the corner of my eye I saw the small blond boys eyes light up in confusion and joy of what we were saying. I didn’t want to tell the boys he was there because knowing them, they would have forgotten all about what we were discussing and beat up Niall.


 "I still don’t like Niall....but I can live with myself knowing that were just as bad as those girls who picked on your sister" Louis said as he flicked his cigarette across the alley. As it fell to the floor and sent small glowing piece of orange across the floor, I said "We need to stop....look I’m not saying that we need to be best friend’s to the boy but I think that we should at least try to be a little bi-"


 "Are you becoming a fag?" Harry interrupted.


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