Chapter 5- A Week of Payne

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Ok so I’m back right? And I have an awesome idea for this book but it kind of needs to happen

like you know....a week later. So I will be skipping ahead a week ok? Ok.

~Niall’s Pov~

It’s been a week. A week since I was forced to live on the streets, a week since I had gotten raped from that man, since I got my revenge…since Liam saved me.

The boys all conformed to the fact that I would be staying here a while, and did their usual duties. Me and Liam decided that we could take a few weeks off of school together until I felt well enough to go back.

I liked living here; just a week here and I knew that I was meant to live here. The boys are really great, especially Liam. I don’t have those frequent night terrors any more, maybe because me and Liam have been sharing a bed. I have been gaining my weight back, due to Zayns surprisingly good dinners. These boys had helped me so much in a week, and I was very thankful.

“Ok see you in a bit!” I called as the boys left the house, given they were going to Liam’s girlfriends house to have a birthday party for her.

I quickly walked to the bathroom once the door closed and took of my clothes, tossing it in a neat pile on the floor. I looked at my body in the mirror, smiling.

My skin hasn’t been so…dirty lately, given I now have access to a shower 24/7. I stepped inside the tub, gasping silently as my feet touched the cold stoned floor. I closed the shower curtain behind me and turned on the water, not caring if it was hot or not.

In not even less than a minute I was singing. I always sang when the boys weren’t home, it made me feel even more happy then I were already.

“And they say, she’s in the class A-Team, stuck in her day dream…” I loved how my voice would echo throughout the silent house, made me feel as if I was on stage.

I always wanted to be a singer, but just being on stage and having everyone judge you…just made me feel dizzy.

~ Liam’s pov~

I stepped outside and realized I had forgotten my phone in the bathroom. “Be right back lads, left my phone” I said as I walked back inside the house.

I closed the door behind me and heard faint streams of water from the bathroom. As I walked towards the bathroom, I froze.

I heard the soft voice of Niall singing my favorite song.

“Its too cold outside, for angles to fly” I couldn’t help but smile as I felt chills run through me. I never knew Niall had such a great voice.

I walked closer to the door, turning the knob and opening it, I thought Niall would be in the shower still given he was still singing.

“Niall it’s me I ju-“I was cut off as I saw Niall's naked body step out the shower. I heard Niall scream and closed my eyes with my hands.

“Sorry!” I said as I tried to exit the room. As I tried to leave the room where I can heard NIalls footsteps pattering around, looking for a towel or something, I felt a sharp pain in my face.

I walked into wall

“Shit” I muttered as I tumbled back, landing on something’s. I opened my eyes and realized I didn’t fall on something, but someone

“I’m so sorry Niall” I said as I got up from the boy, holding my hand out to him. Thank god he was in a towel as he grabbed my hand.

To my surprise Niall giggled and said “its ok clumsy boy…but next time knock before you open any doors”

I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I lifted the boy onto his feet.

I smiled and said, my face still stinging a bit “you sing really lovely you know”

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched the blond boy’s cheeks turn a bright red.

“Thanks” he said, looking down a bit.

We stood there, just staring at each other for a few seconds until I finally said “you know, you should come with us to the party”

Niall’s mouth opened in confusion as I added “it will be fun! It’s just me, the boys, Eleanor, and Danielle…..” I watched as the boy thought over my offer.

He said, his face soft, “I don’t even have anything to wear”

I smiled and said “c’mon” I grabbed Niall’s hand and pulled him towards the room. I closed the door behind us and walked to my drawers. I pulled out a pair of briefs and threw them o Niall “put these on, I don’t need another flash dance from you” I chuckled and ran through my drawers, trying to find the perfect outfit for Niall.

I hummed in existent as I pulled out black skinny jeans, and a bright green shirt. I turned to Niall, and held in my gasp.

I knew I had feelings for this boy because in the past week I’ve seen him shirtless, and now naked, about 6 times...and everytime I would stare for a split second.Herere you go Nialler”: I said as I threw the close to him.

~Niall’s pov~

I walked out of the house with Liam, still giggling on how Liam ran into the wall. I swear sometimes I think the boy makes it his business to make me blush.

I honestly didn’t want to go to the party, because I never been to one before. I mean, it’s not like I had friends who would invite me to those parties.

I walked past harry as he said “it took you 19 minutes to get your phone?”

Liam giggled and said “no, I just wanted Niall to come so I had to choose an outfit”.

The rest of the boys smiled at me as zany said “cool.” The boys all packed into Liam’s very small car. “To Danielle’s house! Louis chanted

I smiled and said “to Danielle’s house”



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